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2 Nov 2017
@ganshun:matrix.orgganshun joined the room.22:32:47
3 Nov 2017
@rck:matrix.orgrck joined the room.07:01:54
@rck:matrix.orgrckahoi! okay, with the dark theme I can read the text ;)07:53:29
@rck:matrix.orgrckTest from app09:58:08
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepper joined the room.15:11:57
7 Nov 2017
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperis the technical issue with slack that it has a 10,000 post history search limit?23:24:24
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChris tpepper: we don't really care about that (we initially thought it was a free-tier 10,000 message limit period, but it's just the history). we are looking for something that will be more open to the public 23:26:34
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperah the invite issue23:26:51
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChris tpepper: Even in the paid tier, you have to invite people to the slack channel 23:26:53
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperthere's a way to do it without invites...somehow23:27:17
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperthis is the only (out of half a dozen?) slack workspace that I've run into with an invite23:27:47
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChristhere are other services you can set up around slack, i've read? tbh, i was looking for a low effort solution23:27:50
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChrismaybe everyone does set up those services23:28:10
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperat a prior job we had a little slack channel and I don't think we had any of that23:28:34
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperwe had made a little slack/irc bridge bot so you could get on either23:28:50
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChrisyou can whitelist certain email domains for registration23:28:51
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChrisbut if you try to whitelist @gmail.com, they won't let you do that either23:29:05
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChrisso right now, our whitelist is... mit, princeton, my domain, and google.com, which is also not super helpful23:29:26
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChris(let's just set up a slack/riot/irc bridge... ugh i hate technology sometimes)23:30:02
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperso..poking around I'm realizing 4/6 of the workspaces I have are probably coincidentally via a whitelisted email address.23:36:10
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepperthat leaves u-root and kubernetes. I suppose kubernetes has a bot.23:36:24
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChriskubernetes uses slack?23:36:37
@hugelgupf:matrix.orgChrismaybe we can ping them and find out how they manage this.23:36:56
@tpepper:matrix.orgtpepper"get my invite"23:37:01

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