21 Oct 2023 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Fréomann to [-] Carl-bot. | 08:45:40 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from [-] Carl-bot to Footstool. | 09:03:27 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Footstool to [-] Carl-bot. | 09:58:07 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from [-] Carl-bot to Carl-bot (!). | 10:03:38 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl-bot (!) to Carl-nana. | 10:57:49 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl-nana to Github-bot (?). | 11:04:49 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Github-bot (?) to Carl the Sharia-enforcer. | 11:17:38 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl the Sharia-enforcer to [!] Carl Bot. | 11:33:10 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from [!] Carl Bot to Turtwig. | 12:04:12 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Turtwig to 🤖 Carl. | 12:17:42 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from 🤖 Carl to Footstool. | 12:33:39 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Footstool to Daddy Carl [-]. | 12:53:04 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Daddy Carl [-] to Hammarskjöld. | 13:09:27 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Hammarskjöld to Daddy Carl [-]. | 13:22:27 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Daddy Carl [-] to Ronaldo. | 13:43:50 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Ronaldo to Carl the Sharia-enforcer. | 18:47:28 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl the Sharia-enforcer to Hammarskjöld. | 18:59:31 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Hammarskjöld to Carl the Sharia-enforcer. | 19:16:36 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl the Sharia-enforcer to Hammarskjöld. | 19:33:14 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Hammarskjöld to Carl the Sharia-enforcer. | 19:39:28 |
| Carl-bot changed their display name from Carl the Sharia-enforcer to Carl-bot. | 20:43:28 |
| qwertyto changed their display name from gaymcgayson to qwertyto. | 21:14:41 |
1 Nov 2023 |
| orbit changed their display name from partikel to matthew sobol. | 07:47:03 |
| orbit changed their profile picture. | 07:52:13 |
5 Dec 2023 |
| @paulshepherd:matrix.org joined the room. | 21:24:07 |
| @paulshepherd:matrix.org left the room. | 21:24:43 |
6 Jan 2024 |
| @0x80081355:matrix.org joined the room. | 02:21:05 |
| @0x80081355:matrix.org left the room. | 03:48:38 |
18 Jan 2024 |
| @nino:matrix.libre.brussels left the room. | 22:26:59 |
19 Jan 2024 |
| orbit changed their display name from matthew sobol to orbit. | 15:05:15 |