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Rolling releases now available for Linux, Windows, OSX - Multiplatform application for moon and planets - http://blog.gulinux.net/en/planetary-imager - https://github.com/GuLinux/PlanetaryImager1 Servers

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2 Oct 2017
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgIt could help scientists to know more about triton atmosphere12:17:47
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxit should be in, yes12:18:19
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxI still advise to do some tests, of course :)12:18:35
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxI wonder if you can get enough precision12:18:42
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgI hope so12:19:36
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgBut I tried to compile Planetary Imager and I can't. Same error than last time12:19:57
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgDownload CMakeOutput.log12:20:34
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxmmh, I can't even find the actual error in there...12:27:10
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxbut why don't you grab the deb?12:27:21
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgI do not understand the error neither12:28:10
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgmmmhhh well, I like to compile :)12:28:18
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxbesides, if I could compile it in debian testing on docker, it might be just some local issue12:28:47
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgmmmh ok12:39:16
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgsudo apt install qtwayland512:39:20
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgthis fixed the problem12:39:27
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgbut compilation failed12:40:59
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgfatal error: Qt/qt_strings_helper.h: No such file or directory12:43:19
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxgit submodule :-)12:58:25
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgoh again ?13:01:12
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgsorry for that13:01:22
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgok, everytime you change something in modules. I don't use module : this is very new for me :)13:01:58
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinuxYes, many people struggle with them... I know13:07:51
@GuLinux:matrix.orgGuLinux It's just a way of handle common libraries/subprojects 13:08:18
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgYes ok. But even with git submodule it does not work. So I've removed all the sources to get back from scratch. It is now ok.13:10:05
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgso Thank you13:10:19
@lock042:matrix.org@lock042:matrix.orgI'll let you know for Triton :)13:13:15

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