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Chat room for [ultrasound imaging dev kit](https://hackaday.io/project/10899-a-hsdk-for-ultrasound-imaging).20 Servers

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17 Nov 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MHGM9WP6:matrix.orgindianmuse Thank you! 14:20:20
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MKC9PDUZ:matrix.orgbchintada joined the room.16:55:39
@_slack_usdevkit_U02MKC9PDUZ:matrix.orgbchintada Thank you 5M5PLH9S. Congratulations on the versatile US board that you made! I am here to digest the information of different US board designs and the discussions around. Sure! I am looking forward to learning and contributing. 16:55:39
23 Nov 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev left the room.01:16:17
24 Nov 2021
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration 09:54:19
30 Nov 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U02PANQKS0H:matrix.orgbrewster.joshua1 joined the room.17:14:45
@_slack_usdevkit_U02PANQKS0H:matrix.orgbrewster.joshua1 Hey everyone, I'm a hardware & software designer doing low cost FNIRS and EEG, would love to dive into ultrasound. 17:14:45
@_slack_usdevkit_U02PANQKS0H:matrix.orgbrewster.joshua1 I can help with scalability too but ultrasound still can't be done as cheap as those. 17:15:35
@_slack_usdevkit_U028M4FEK8Q:matrix.orgadamsonjesse Hey Josh, cool deal and welcome. I'm a power electronics engineer in Seattle. I joined the group a few months ago to learn about ultrasound and photoacoustics. FNIRS and EEG look pretty cool, I also was interested in learning how the infrared measurements of hemoglobin work and if we could measure other molecules in the blood too. 23:06:32
1 Dec 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough Hey 028M4FEK8Q, I lead the NeuroTechX chapter in San Francisco and it is how I first met 02PANQKS0H 03:27:15
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough We are kind of lucky that not much else absorbs at least at the same frequency or we would need to know the mixture proportions 03:30:32
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough Check out https://openfnirs.org for more information about the instrumentation and what is being measured 03:33:48
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough And feel free to join us Thursday evenings 6-9pm https://www.meetup.com/NeuroTechSF/ 03:34:58
@_slack_usdevkit_U028M4FEK8Q:matrix.orgadamsonjesse Oh wow that looks really cool. Ok I signed up for the meetup so I can check it out sometime. One thing I was looking into was measuring blood cholesterol, but it definitely looks more complicated than hemoglobin. 22:16:33
6 Dec 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu A bit late but welcome 02PANQKS0H and happy to see you're already connecting πŸ˜ƒ 08:28:05
24 Dec 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough https://jobs.csiro.au/job/Brisbane%2C-QLD-Postdoctoral-Fellowship/822712100/ 02:17:50
30 Dec 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu You may have seen this for multi array probes : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9281323 .. but the cost of the chips is ... not cheap πŸ˜‰ 21:38:09
31 Dec 2021
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Interesting technique to cast PDMS-embedded piezos πŸ˜ƒ 08:47:07
6 Jan 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Welcome here 02SZ48C3M2 ! I trust you have an interest in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-020-0240-8 -- so have 6E49CNV6 and GJ8GJGNR to cite only them πŸ˜ƒ 21:00:33
@_slack_usdevkit_U02SZ48C3M2:matrix.orgraphael.hotter joined the room.21:08:11
@_slack_usdevkit_U02SZ48C3M2:matrix.orgraphael.hotter Thanks 5M5PLH9S! Yes, I've been exploring reproducing the work and setting up benchmarks for ultrasound neuroimaging 21:08:11
@_slack_usdevkit_U02SZ48C3M2:matrix.orgraphael.hotter I'd be excited to talk with others who are also interested in ultrasound neuroimaging! 21:09:05
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Very cool! What hardware have you been using? I've seen some videos online πŸ˜ƒ 21:23:53
7 Jan 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U02SZ48C3M2:matrix.orgraphael.hotter Just simulations for now 16:33:53
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough Hi 02SZ48C3M2, super interesting! I’d love to know how you are doing your simulations. I know Jean is doing other things now but GJ8GJGNR made an OpenEIT kit/software https://github.com/OpenEIT for doing electrical impedance tomography in 2D and the we developed Fijee https://github.com/Fijee-Project/Fijee to do FEM skull impedance tomography (conductivity scanning) a long time ago now. I would recommend the SimNIBS project for doing brain/physics simulations https://simnibs.github.io/simnibs/build/html/index.html. I would love to be able to do the ultrasound brain simulations they are doing in the FWI paper. 20:03:43
10 Jan 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_UGJ8GJGNR:matrix.orgjean.rintoul The full wave inversion stuff is pretty cool as a new form of imaging. 20:31:14
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711021001849 21:20:55
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough I feel like Physics Informed NNs (PINNs) would also be very efficient computationally. 21:25:19
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Plugged in a shameless ad - thanks for sharing πŸ˜ƒ 21:26:24
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough But as I understand it the β€œtrick” with FWI in seismology is having a computational model of the physics of the area of interest - in other words a FEM of the head 21:27:07

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