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Chat room for [ultrasound imaging dev kit](https://hackaday.io/project/10899-a-hsdk-for-ultrasound-imaging).20 Servers

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16 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 This faced me also ๐Ÿ˜‚ 18:32:52
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu well, with the error details it is now possible to debug ๐Ÿ˜… 18:33:18
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 how to debug it? 18:33:57
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 I downloaded this standalone sd card image 18:38:32
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu well that's pythons errors, I guess because you are using python3 whereas these notebooks were for python2.7 18:39:32
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu I have pushed a notebook that runs well. These were minor adjusts in the code due to differences between 2.7 and 3. 18:40:40
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu You may want to get someone with python skills in your team to do these adjustments, I won't be able to redo the whole project at each steps for you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ If you had someone with these skills on your side, that'd go quite faster ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 18:41:52
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu I definitely can help and guide but cant do in stead of other ๐Ÿ˜• 18:42:28
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 Thanks keluโค๏ธ 18:44:07
18 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.14:58:40
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.14:58:42
19 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Is it working for you now ? 09:12:14
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 No we are working on it now, Do you have any apdates? 09:31:33
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu It works here - curious about what does not work 09:32:24
@_slack_usdevkit_U037TME01S7:matrix.orgeslam.elmohamdy308 Works with python 2? 09:34:25
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu It was working in python2.7 I did the port to python3 09:35:15
27 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Morning general. There's an upcoming presentation by JOGL on Friday July 1st: https://app.jogl.io/en/space/jogs . There's a session from 11h ร  13h (FR time) about "open source medical innovationโ€ with biotech and hardware angles. thomas@jogl.io is looking for someone to talk on the hardware part. I'm busy at this time, anyone for this? GJ8GJGNR 6E49CNV6 01N3PNAHS9 and others ? If so, please do reach out to Thomas. 09:40:16
28 Jun 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen ah sorry I can't make that time. But my experience is pale in comparison to yours 5M5PLH9S ! 14:22:06
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen 5M5PLH9S FCS7CKPD hope these resolutions work. You can read the chip names now. ! 16:14:41
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu Thanks! Some funky Philips homemade chip, can't really find, large capas around, close to the header: interesting. I would assume HV generation below the shielding. Signals passed to the ARTIX7 (with 1Gb DRAM + Cypress USB2 chip) board, through an AD9278 as an octal AFE. Plenty of test points to test! That's a treat from Philips ๐Ÿ˜‰ 17:03:41
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen Any idea what their bespoke chip would be ? 17:32:19
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen For running their fpga? 17:32:36
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu I guess it could contain the afe + prebeamforming + multiplexeur. It would make sense to separate the analogique and digital boards so id put my bet on this being a complex-afe asic. 17:34:10
29 Jul 2022
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.org joined the room.05:06:03
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.orgCome play the best mmorpg https://warcraft3.xyz/ wbskfb play today05:06:04
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.org left the room.09:09:57
1 Sep 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough https://sims.ls2n.fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2022/09/2022-LS2N-postdoc-ultrasound.pdf 16:41:57
4 Sep 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U5M5PLH9S:matrix.orgkelu For those not too far from Paris.. https://www.opensourcebody.eu/ seems a good place to visit :) 08:02:21
5 Sep 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U6E49CNV6:matrix.orgmhough Nice! 01:58:36
6 Sep 2022
@_slack_usdevkit_U01N3PNAHS9:matrix.orglewismcfadyen Awesome. The intersection of art, health and tech! 09:57:25

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