
r/unixporn - Showcase

224 Members
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20 Sep 2023
@aadniz:knaben.orgAdnan ZamanWidescreen12:19:06
@aadniz:knaben.orgAdnan Zamanimage.png
Download image.png
22 Sep 2023
@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org joined the room.12:30:45
@arya:envs.netArya [Migrated to @arya:frei.chat] changed their display name from Arya [Migrated to @aryak:projectsegfau.lt] to Arya [Migrated to @arya:frei.chat].12:31:12
23 Sep 2023
@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org joined the room.11:17:06
@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org joined the room.11:19:56
@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org@wahidislamlinad:matrix.org left the room.11:21:00
24 Sep 2023
@bmerrix:matrix.orgCogito271 changed their display name from bmerrix to Cogito271.11:58:56
25 Sep 2023
@windystone:matrix.orgwindystone joined the room.05:23:06
26 Sep 2023
@billionaire4ever:matrix.orgbillionaire4ever joined the room.01:24:28
27 Sep 2023
@tanish2002:matrix.orgTanish changed their display name from Baka Otaku to Tanish.11:16:08
28 Sep 2023
@beachy:50m4.euBeachyHead joined the room.12:43:45
29 Sep 2023
@kerojam:matrix.orgKEROJAM joined the room.16:08:06
1 Oct 2023
@ohalexwtf:matrix.orgAlexander joined the room.05:35:18
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.08:02:28
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:40:33
@aadniz:knaben.orgAdnan Zaman changed their profile picture.15:07:08
7 Oct 2023
@reboot0233:matrix.orgreboot0233 joined the room.15:47:46
8 Oct 2023
Download IMG_1448.png
@1012zach:matrix.org/home/zachbluecurve forever02:25:55
@enigma9o7:matrix.org@enigma9o7:matrix.orgI guess this channel isn't for comments eh. I just wonder what you wanted from snap store enough to install snapd.02:36:13
@sanikava:matrix.orgBlack Phoenix 🪽ima_9058bdb.jpeg
Download ima_9058bdb.jpeg
@sanikava:matrix.orgBlack Phoenix 🪽 Garuda Linux customised it feels illegal to use windows icon 04:14:13
@fluffery:stow.liveFluffery changed their profile picture.04:34:40
@enigma9o7:matrix.org@enigma9o7:matrix.orgPretty sure it's a trademark violation, so yeah illegal.19:40:39
9 Oct 2023
@sanikava:matrix.orgBlack Phoenix 🪽lol yes13:19:04
10 Oct 2023
@scientia._:matrix.org@scientia._:matrix.org joined the room.07:20:48
@ios7jbpro:matrix.orgxified changed their profile picture.07:38:18
@ios7jbpro:matrix.orgxified changed their display name from ios7jbpro_matrixorg to アメちゃん ⓻.07:38:44
@alphacraft9658:matrix.orgAlpha-Craft joined the room.10:58:46

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