
MWStake General

128 Members
MediaWIki Stakeholders' Group general discussion25 Servers

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28 Mar 2018
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshoh no ... and I can't collapse it16:08:27
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg!wikipedia "dusty stick"16:08:37
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese darenwelsh: I suggested ^^ making a general installer room, since I'd like to bring together all of the folks working on installers to create one Grand Unified Installer To Rule Them All. But, in the meantime, it might still make sense to have a meza channel to discuss meza bugs/features and the like. 16:09:45
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshi like the idea of having both16:10:11
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese we really need a random room 16:10:15
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshwhat would youpost there and not here?16:10:49
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI sort of feel like we need a governance or admin room for all of this organizational stuff, but maybe the need for that will die down once this gets rolling.16:11:16
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese I would think that this room would be for general MediaWiki-related discussion. 16:11:49
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshbut ... that goes back to the questions about the team/group/whatever-it-is-called ... in the URL I see "mwstake-general" so I assume this is general chat about mwstake things.16:12:40
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshmaybe we should just remove the general channel and make channels have useful names16:13:11
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeWould you like it to be mediawiki-general?16:13:12
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshso have #mediawiki-general and #mwstake-group-random16:13:32
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseSo, #mwstake meeting announcements in #mwstake-general?16:13:38
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI'm going to let you guys hash this out ... Got work to do.16:13:50
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseThe only reason I think they should all start with mwstake is that it is a unique string that would allow all of the rooms for our virtual community to be found.16:14:24
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseThat being said, there is a need for a mediawiki room.16:14:33
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshright ... and if it is prepended by "mwstake" will that confuse people unaware of the mwstake group?16:14:56
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshI think discussion about what mwstake members are working on deserves channels with "mwstake" in the name. but a channel about mediawiki should be named just that.16:15:43
  1. #mediawiki-general
  2. #mediawiki-installers
  3. #mwstake-general
  4. #mwstake-random
  5. #mwstake-meza (??)
  6. #mwstake-showcase-wiki
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshadd #mediawiki-extensions ? add #mediawiki-conferences ?16:18:45
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseAnd, the HTML pane that only @hexmode can edit on the community page can have links to all of them.16:19:33
Download image.png
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseAnd, we can post links to the community page on mediawiki.org, mwstake.org, and Phabricator.16:20:20
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshhow will WMFers feel about riot competing with (also known as "complementing") IRC?16:21:12
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseBetter than they feel about Slack competing with IRC16:21:46

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