
MWStake General

129 Members
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group general discussion https://commonmark.org/help/26 Servers

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28 Mar 2018
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshso how did I get into this channel before joining the group? I'm confused. Was the channel named something else yesterday? like other than mwstake?15:42:03
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode"General" is what is displayed for #mwstake-general:matrix.org and #enterprisemediawiki:matrix.org15:42:23
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshwut .... those are aliases?15:42:51
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshso is there an enterprisemediawiki team or group or whatever?15:43:12
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesebut it doesn't appear to be very useful15:43:44
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleserooms do not need to be grouped into a community, but they can be15:44:02
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode #mwstake-MEZA:matrix.org is the primary name. I added it and made it primary after creating #enterprisemediawiki 15:44:11
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese ^ he meant #mwstake-general:matrix.org 15:44:55
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshcan someone make a Venn diagram?15:45:10

so is there an enterprisemediawiki team or group or whatever?

Room. The Group is +mwstake:matrix.org

@sabinem:matrix.orgsabinemelnickiomg, now it's a shame emoji reactions don't work yet. ;)15:45:31
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI think they used to be called groups, but now they are communities in the user interface. We want them to be the same as as slack team, but they are not.15:46:25
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseslack channel = riot room15:46:57
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseslack team > riot community (group)15:47:06
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshdid you mean to use "greater than"?15:48:03
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesebecause slack teams are more useful than riot communities15:48:29
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesebut, they are sort of equivalent grouping constructs15:48:46
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI think for the moment we can ignore the community15:49:19
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshI guess Slack's hierarchy is just more intuitive. You have to be invited to the team to be able to view and participate in that team's channels. But I don't understand riot's structure.15:49:24
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseRight. I think maybe they started with rooms then tacked on communities?15:49:50
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseBut, with all of that being said, I think we should create several rooms.15:50:11
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeyou have to be invited to see the teams channels, but the channel permissions are independent of the team15:50:14
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeso you can join a channel w/ no knowledge of the team15:50:32
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseSince the html part of the community appears to be visible to all, per Sabine's screenshot, we could list the rooms in HTML there.15:50:41

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