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22 Jan 2021
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgAnecdotally I can say that I /think/ I tried using it once and it seemed broken so I never got far with it.20:29:39
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg(that was at least a couple years ago)20:30:25
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseThanks for the feedback!21:14:20
In reply to @freephile:matrix.org
revansx: used this at some point
I tested it (wgSharedDB) with MEZA 2 years ago and it worked, but I didn't like it and re-build my site without it. Sadly I don't think I can ever use cross-wiki notification unless I somehow convert back to wgSharedDB. that sucks
23 Jan 2021
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr cicalese: I thought it was used pretty widely? Wikimedia wikis use CentralAuth and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CentralAuth explicitly recommends people to use $wgSharedDB instead. (Also this is the first time I hear it's deprecated - whoever did it apparently haven't bothered to update the wiki page.) 02:11:30
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese@tgr I was surprised, too, since I thought there were people using it, which is why I asked. Upon further discussion, there is no intention to deprecate it at this point.02:30:26
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr To be fair, it is a big hack, and something like RenameUser will make it explode in your face. But having SSO is a very reasonable user expectation and I don't think there is a better approach today. Hopefully we'll find the resources some day to make a sane CentralAuth replacement - there would be plenty of first-party reasons to do it. 03:04:46
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese Absolutely. 03:07:18
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI'll add that having a shared user table or CentralAuth are not necessary for many of the frequent commenters in this group because they use PluggableAuth (or other authentication extension) that uses an external identity provider to give a shared username across wikis in their wiki farms. This does not give users the same user id across wikis, but that is mostly irrelevant to them.15:23:53
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@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeGrant Ingersoll (above) is WMF and has some thoughts on ElasticSearch18:57:02
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeBest bit so far: "[Elasticsearch] want[s] all the upside w/ none of the risk."19:00:52
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode * Grant Ingersoll (above) is WMF (and former Lucidworks CTO) and has some thoughts on ElasticSearch.19:03:36
24 Jan 2021
In reply to @cicalese:matrix.org
I'll add that having a shared user table or CentralAuth are not necessary for many of the frequent commenters in this group because they use PluggableAuth (or other authentication extension) that uses an external identity provider to give a shared username across wikis in their wiki farms. This does not give users the same user id across wikis, but that is mostly irrelevant to them.
Shared tables give you central email management, which external login might not. Not a huge deal but nice.
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrAs for user ID, any functionality were identical IDs accross wikis might be useful should use CentralIDLookup which does work with external identity providers.01:48:31
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx I don’t know why cross-site notifications isn’t more of a thing. That’s the only reason I’d want to have shared tables. 05:17:18
26 Jan 2021
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxcan anyone recommend someone to hire who is skilled at troubleshooting and configuring parsoid and VE of MW 1.34?18:33:39
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * can anyone recommend someone to hire (hourly) who is skilled at troubleshooting and configuring parsoid and VE of MW 1.34?18:34:47
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * can anyone recommend someone to hire (hourly) who is skilled at troubleshooting and configuring parsoid and VE on MW 1.34?18:35:14
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseA new Technical Decision Forum is replacing TechCom and is seeking participation from non-Wikimedia developers with +2 rights to participate: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Decision_Making_Process/Draft_Proposal_Community_Representation. See the full announcement at https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2021-January/094198.html.19:12:30
In reply to @revansx:matrix.org
can anyone recommend someone to hire (hourly) who is skilled at troubleshooting and configuring parsoid and VE on MW 1.34?
I believe I have resolved my wiki site issues today, but if anyone knows of a way to better solicit emergency support, please let me know of a link I can bookmark
In reply to @revansx:matrix.org
can anyone recommend someone to hire (hourly) who is skilled at troubleshooting and configuring parsoid and VE on MW 1.34?
* I believe I have resolved my wiki site issues today, but if anyone knows of a way to better solicit emergency support in the future, please let me know of a link I can bookmark
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgI wish the MediaWiki developer community was more focussed. It is so decentralized.23:05:30
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgMy company (Pegasystems) is interested in hiring MediaWiki talent, but it's very hard to find.23:06:15
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan Hilderbrand

From those who have a presence in this community, here's some examples of some companies that cou help with this request:

  • WikiWorks
  • WikiTeq
  • NicheWork
  • Hallo Welt!
  • Wikibase Solutions
  • Professional.wiki

(my apologies for anyone I omitted)

@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan Hilderbrand* From those who have a presence in this community, here's some examples of some companies that could help with this request: * WikiWorks * WikiTeq * NicheWork * Hallo Welt! * Wikibase Solutions * Professional.wiki (my apologies for anyone I omitted) 23:14:51
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly freephile: You have already hired the best.. What seems to be the problem ? 23:21:56
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgThey want moar! lol23:23:44
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlymore.. On a monday they wants XXXX onTuesday the got XXX. They want more moar?23:24:55

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