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2 Mar 2021
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwMostly Stephan his work23:02:24
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgThanks @Stephan !23:03:58
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg We have a whole website devoted to our Style Guide at Pega: it's called the "Bolt Design System" 23:06:24
3 Mar 2021
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg This is a beautiful Dockerfile thanks to @Lex who has obviously been working hard on MediaWiki Manager 03:56:01
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl hexmode: I was just looking to test the master branch but since it's basically 1.36-alpha, there are a ton of changes between it and 1.35 that I'm not sure will work in my environment due to the numerous feature, library, and database changes as indicated in https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES-1.36. Thoughts? 12:17:05
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode justinl: I would not pull master, but just apply this one patch to your checkout. 14:07:30
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlActually I don't have a checkout, my script deletes the checkout after doing a bunch of stuff to it (cloning extensions and skins into it, some minor patches to extensions, deleting the .git* stuff, duplicating the tree once per wiki, and then the composer stuff for each of the six new trees). So I'm trying to see if I can apply the patch's diffs to what I do have.14:49:17
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl * hexmode: Forgive my ignorance here, I'm not super experienced with git (or the gerrit site) beyond mostly the basics, but is there an easy way to generate a patch file from that gerrit page? 14:59:22
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodein meeting, but maybe someone else can help15:00:18
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseIf you click on DOWNLOAD just above the file list on the patch to the right, you will have a variety of options to download a patch.15:15:09
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlI actually did that and have been trying to apply the 3 diffs to the code I have but I'm apparently not doing it right.15:20:10
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlOk I think I have the patch commands correct now but the patching fails, so I think the patch doesn't apply to the version of the code that I have.15:23:44
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlFWIW my code is from Feb 8 at 9 AM Pacific time. I don't have the git commit hash since my script deleted the .git directory.15:24:39
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseAre you running code from the master branch or the REL1_35 branch? If the latter, there have been quite a few changes to that file since the branch. There has been one rather sizable patch to master since Feb 8.15:31:10
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlFrom the REL1_35 branch, which is hard-coded in my script and updated when I upgrade. That way, if I need to "patch" my current version of MW, I just run the script again to get the latest 1.35 updates and then rsync all of that to the web servers.15:32:44
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl * From the REL1_35 branch, which is hard-coded in my script and updated when I upgrade. That way, if I need to "patch" my current version of MW, I just run the script again to get the latest 1.35 updates and then rsync all of that to the web servers. The script makes other adjustments to the code, as well, and then I run Salt to apply wiki configs, etc. but you get the gist of it.15:33:33
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlThis discussion, though, has pointed out that I need to adjust my script to keep the git checkouts for the MW core, extensions, and skins, just in case.15:34:29
5 Mar 2021
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode Is Bryan Hilderbrand around to open the meeting? 15:31:38
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesethe meeting starts in 52 minutes15:38:47
* @hexmode:matrix.orghexmode puts his eager self to bed for another 40 minutes.15:45:29
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalesewaiting waiting waiting in the queueueueue16:28:59
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeIf anyone uses Lockdown, I wrote up some notes on $wgNamespacePermissionLockdown vs $wgActionLockdown. Feedback welcome.19:33:42
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode rootless docker documentation that freephile mentioned: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/ 20:38:25
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgSee, I wasn't dreaming! /me makes note to read those docs again since I don't remember any of the details20:39:36
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeLooks similar to what podman does with subuid + subgid21:02:56
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmoderootless containers are good for development and don't require a daemon21:04:23
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodepodman has lots of info on integrating with systemd which I find very useful21:05:19
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodehmmm.... looks like rootless docker still wants a docker daemon21:06:32
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodewhich seems superfluous21:06:53

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