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14 Feb 2019
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg Thanks hexmode 17:43:36
* @hexmode:matrix.orghexmode tips fedora17:48:30
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgDoes anyone know why update.php would fail with 'Missing rc_timestamp field of recentchanges table. Should not happen.' (from line 459 of '/opt/htdocs/mediawiki/includes/installer/MysqlUpdater.php') when in fact the rc_timestamp field IS there?19:24:42
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgdoIndexUpdate is the method, and it's a schema check for v1.219:32:00
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgA. it can happen if you have an incorrect value for wgDBprefix20:02:32
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseAnnouncing the Docker Special Interest Group: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2019-February/091563.html23:27:44
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodewikiapiary is alive-ish23:36:20
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgthanks for your work on it23:40:32
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI've done nothing so far23:40:51
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodejust noticed it was up23:41:01
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgthe best kind of work ;-)23:41:11
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodedoes anyone know if ElasticSearch 1.7.x is supposed to work with MW 1.27?23:43:13
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeaparently, yes23:51:23
15 Feb 2019
@jamesmontalvo3:matrix.orgjamesmontalvo3I seem to recall using 1.5 when pre-1.28, but that could have changed03:06:27
@jamesmontalvo3:matrix.orgjamesmontalvo31.6 is what the mostly-unsupported 27.x branch of Meza uses: https://github.com/enterprisemediawiki/meza/blob/27.x/config/core/defaults.yml#L14503:09:07
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.GharbeiaDo we, as a species, know if anyone at all has succefully understood how MIME detection works in MW?17:01:14
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.GharbeiaMore specifically: there are loads of deprecated code and hackery of the spaghetti type.18:05:59
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.GharbeiaFor example: Are there any known precedents of the use of the detection overriding mechanism using $guessCallback and $extCallback defined in MimeAnalyzer?18:07:17
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.GharbeiaWe're basically trying to build this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CBxHandler19:25:40
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandI think someone from NASA (maybe @kfield:matrix.org?) was working on a way to get other file type (Excel, Word, etc.) to show with a graphic (similar to how pdfs do now) through MIME detection?19:30:27
In reply to @bryandamon:matrix.org
I think someone from NASA (maybe @kfield:matrix.org?) was working on a way to get other file type (Excel, Word, etc.) to show with a graphic (similar to how pdfs do now) through MIME detection?
our problem is mainly trying to egt MW to recognise a mime type such as application/vnd.comicbook+zip instead of application/zip, overriding its hackish system and its many hardcoded assumptions and special cases. The code is annotated with notes acknowledging its shortcomes and areas to be deprecated. But it's scary.
16 Feb 2019
@jamesmontalvo3:matrix.orgjamesmontalvo3 Kfield and I have dealt with some mime issues. Ask me again on Tuesday. 00:59:57
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr @gharbeia:matrix.org: https://codesearch.wmflabs.org/search/?q=%5Cb(guessCallback%7CextCallback)%5Cb&i=nope&files=&repos= 03:32:59
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrso apparently not03:33:07
In reply to @jamesmontalvo3:matrix.org
Kfield and I have dealt with some mime issues. Ask me again on Tuesday.
Thanks! @uwe_a:matrix.org, you may want to talk to @jamesmontalvo3:matrix.org
In reply to @bryandamon:matrix.org
I think someone from NASA (maybe @kfield:matrix.org?) was working on a way to get other file type (Excel, Word, etc.) to show with a graphic (similar to how pdfs do now) through MIME detection?
Yeah. There is some code in there to make detecting these common MIMEs working. It's still hackish, but working, apparently. So NASA's task is easier than ours. (pun embedded)
In reply to @tgr:matrix.org
so apparently not
I wish there was relief in despair.
17 Feb 2019
@examknow:matrix.orgexamknow joined the room.23:48:42
@examknow:matrix.orgexamknowI would like to join the MediaWiki Stakeholders group23:49:20

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