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27 Apr 2024
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreevs code also provides completions, as it knows what names exist15:10:30
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Wait what, lua is meant to use 3 spaces indent as standard? 15:10:34
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeis it?15:10:51
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri http://sputnik.freewisdom.org/en/Coding_Standard 15:10:48
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeno idea, I'd prefer 4 :p15:11:55
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Actually 3 seems to be strange even to Lua itself, it uses 2 in the PIL stuff 15:12:32
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri 4? what is this, python? 15:12:50
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeI am not sure why we have 2, I mean, the screen is wide enough, why this minimal differences in indents. It's complicating to find matching lines15:14:03
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreewe can also use TAB, and everybody can change tab size to their liking :)15:14:38
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Probably tradition 15:14:47
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreepeople still living in the 80s with 80x24 :p15:15:37
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri I'm just happy that vscode shows nesting much better than Brackets did with the vertical lines 15:15:40
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeour functions are too long, we should use more functions with shorter bodies 15:17:14
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreelol, a dark-green jungle theme :)15:27:19
@_discord_129276971388502017:t2bot.iosannd0w joined the room.18:26:06
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles 21:09:47
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Are the changes to 2541 okay to merge now? 21:50:45
28 Apr 2024
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneI think we talked before about conforming to the lua doc style of some of the vscode extensions. A never ending mission chasing IDE specific conventions - I forget the name of the editor our lua was first coded for00:43:23
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneyes that PR is good to merge00:46:25
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneI've replaced the download link with https00:50:13
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneunblocks libcurl?00:50:18
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneand I fiddled so it no longer tries and fails to do the check when disabled and no longer shows that it's not doing the check if not compiled in.01:21:14
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneonly if it is compiled in and disabled in config01:21:25
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneprobably good01:21:43
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreechanging luadoc style is fine, I am more worried about the extension not understanding that different files are related even without require, not recognizing X:X() as constructor, and possibly not understanding overloading 06:07:20
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeThey did pick a nice solution though. The user gives all type information, the code just has to check that the user also complies with that information. No need to derive type information across methods from scratch.06:09:55
@_discord_1234101504651300915:t2bot.ioleenyboon joined the room.11:39:12
@_discord_321213618890997761:t2bot.ioxploitocelot joined the room.18:04:45
29 Apr 2024
@_discord_120111812782981121:t2bot.iotobylane Cyco I have this ffmpeg linking with ssl error problem from turning updates off, with more commits on top. https://github.com/tobylane/CorsixTH/actions/runs/8868620366/job/24348399487#step:6:51 I think it's caused by securetransport, 2/3 of the way through this line https://github.com/tobylane/CorsixTH/actions/runs/8868620366/job/24348399487#step:5:515 from https://github.com/TheCycoONE/vcpkg-registry/blob/lua_cmake/ports/ffmpeg/portfile.cmake#L400 11:55:32
@thecycoone:sealbaker.comthecycooneI don't know that the vcpkg-registry ffmpeg works outside of windows. I replaced it with the upstream one temporarily on my branch21:54:22

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