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5 Jan 2024
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * Assuming you are replying to me there. I have just got the PCB and populated it. I have the flash on the board but I am just using the vanilla default firmware without the flash or ram support for the time being. Haven't installed the ram chip on this Teensy yet. Today I thought it possible that it might be being flooded by clock signals from the perc sequencer and the Crave I have upstream on the MIDI chain so I used the Pro 800 to stop them. It can turn off the passing of these signals. As a result I have only the note and commands passing but it made no difference. It did however lock a couple of times if I used the pitch wheel. To neaten it up I connected straight to the first DIN socket in the chain bypassing everything. Still did it. It used to work well at the end of the chain even with the clocks on and would sync up the keyboard arpeg it had plugged into its USB. Things changed with the capacitive touch. 13:12:58
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * Assuming you are replying to me there. I have just got the PCB and populated it. I have the flash on the board but I am just using the vanilla default firmware without the flash or ram support for the time being. Haven't installed the ram chip on this Teensy yet. Today I thought it possible that it might be being flooded by clock signals from the perc sequencer and the Crave I have upstream on the MIDI chain so I used the Pro 800 to stop them. It can turn off the passing of these signals. As a result I have only the note and commands passing but it made no difference. It did however lock a couple of times if I used the pitch wheel. To neaten it up I connected straight to the first DIN socket in the chain bypassing everything. Still did it. It used to work well at the end of the chain even with the clocks on and would sync up the keyboard arpeg it had plugged into its USB. Things changed with the capacitive touch. edit: I remember now that recently before the capacitive screen using the pitch wheel would slow down the MD responsiveness and mess up the timing sync. It could be related to that. 13:18:27
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * Assuming you are replying to me there. I have just got the PCB and populated it. I have the flash on the board but I am just using the vanilla default firmware without the flash or ram support for the time being. Haven't installed the ram chip on this Teensy yet. Today I thought it possible that it might be being flooded by clock signals from the perc sequencer and the Crave I have upstream on the MIDI chain so I used the Pro 800 to stop them. It can turn off the passing of these signals. As a result I have only the note and commands passing but it made no difference. It did however lock a couple of times if I used the pitch wheel. To neaten it up I connected straight to the first DIN socket in the chain bypassing everything. Still did it. It used to work well at the end of the chain even with the clocks on and would sync up the keyboard arpeg it had plugged into its USB. Things changed with the capacitive touch. edit: I remember now that recently before the capacitive screen using the pitch or mod wheels would slow down the MD responsiveness and mess up the timing sync in the system. It could be related to that. 13:19:22
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 .ragrat my test keyboard doesn't have any wheels so this isn't really tested by me. I am not sure anything, except dexed, even reacts to modulation or pitch wheel commands. 15:19:32
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat That was just a more immediate effect. When I try them it locks just about right away but without using them and just noodling on the keyboard it will do it after about 20 seconds or so. It's almost as though a buffer is too small for the number of events. The wheels fill it quickly maybe, just using the keys alone takes longer. 15:22:28
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 .ragrat please check in system - midi channels, if things are going on you are not aware of happening and not hearing it. MDT should not crash at all except when using custom samples. I will look into pitchbend but I can not remember hearing problems about that recently 15:27:52
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat I have all of the instruments set to different channels going from 1 on the dexed and counting up all the way through in sequence. The percussion channel is set to 11 but that changing that doesn't do anything. This locking was happening on my breadboard version but I thought it might fix when I got it onto a hard soldered base. Now it's set up on the PCB with a new fresh Teensy and audio just in case but it hasn't changed anything. That's why I was hoping that others may have reported it also. I will plod on though and see what else I can look at. 15:33:12
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat I might try flashing it with an earlier resistive touch hex tomorrow morning, the last one that worked properly. It will mess with the screen a little for the test but at least it might eliminate any hardware issues if the MIDI is OK. 15:36:49
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat Might try a few different optocouplers through it as well. Got a couple of dozen from different sources and eras. Could be using a dodgy one. 15:47:36
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik Sorry, was the mixer not the MDT. But as everything: Nany thanks for the quick and helpful response 👍 10:41:50
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat Are many people using the MIDI inputs or are they mostly just using the USB HOST and interface ports? Seems odd to me that no-one else has had problems with it. Seems the one problem has several symptoms. It seems to me that there is a timing issue with the MIDI data considering the range of issues I'm having with it and how they are presenting. I will probably just find a way to interface DIN inputs to the HOST port for now. That seems to be working flawlessly. 11:12:02
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * Are many people using the MIDI inputs or are they mostly just using the USB HOST and interface ports? It's odd to me that no-one else has had problems with it. The one problem has several symptoms. It seems to me that there is a timing issue with the MIDI data considering the range of issues I'm having with it and how they are presenting. I will probably just find a way to interface DIN inputs to the HOST port for now. That seems to be working flawlessly. 11:12:46
@_discord_314447193039962113:t2bot.io.thunderbold I only used usb host thus far 12:07:20
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat Ah, that actually reminded me. I haven't tried the DIN MIDI output with the USB keyboard feeding into the usb host port. I figured there might not be many people using the DIN MIDI ports on this beast. 12:27:49
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_226506306716958720:t2bot.io.sidsod joined the room.22:49:48
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik Just started trying the sequencer part of MDT. My first look goes to the arpeggiator. Sorry but I have no idea how it works and how to play. Is there any manual? 08:14:47
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 There is a very basic overview at
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat OK, I'm just going to put it out there in case someone else has these issues. My DIN MIDI in is not good. It used to be usable before I upgraded to capacitive with only the occasional stuck note. Maybe 1 a session. Now it has stuck notes every 20 seconds or so. That is before it will lock up after about 30 or 40 seconds. Sometimes only on the instrument that is being played leaving the others playable through the USB HOST and sometimes it just locks the whole thing up, controls and all. If the USB HOST is set to the same channel as the DIN MIDI and it is only a 1 inst lockup, sometimes playing the USB one will get the locked instrument going again and will very occasionally turn off the notes the DIN locked on. The Lockup is always on the Note on event stopping any note off event. These things used to happen on my breadboard setup (after the capacitive upgrade) so I just assumed it was connection problems. Got the PCB made and hard soldered it thinking that would fix it with no change. Tried 4 or 5 optocouplers of various ages and 3 diodes with no change. All resistors are within 1%. Checked the boards and soldering and it is all good. All connectors are new and solid. Was going to use actual DIN sockets but decided to just use the recommended ones for this one. Tried various MIDI sources from keyboards with DIN output to USB ones translated to DIN by another Teensy device, Signals output from various semi-modulars and last night directly from a Korg SQ-1 sequencer DIN out. No source makes any difference. I have even flashed older firmwares. I am not using the flash board or the PSRAM and I have gotten the same results from 2 Teensy 4.1s. I am about to take delivery of some new PCM5102s and will try changing that but that is the last thing I can think of. 99% sure that it is the firmware at this point unless anyone has any other ideas. 11:55:26
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Anyone else seen hanging notes as an issue ? 14:01:51
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat What gear did you test it with while developing it? 14:08:13
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * What gear did you test the DIN with while developing it? 14:08:34
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat New symptom. It locked up a little while ago while on the little Korg sequencer playing both Dexed channels and as usual with the minor lockup where the controls still work I just triggered play on the MD sequencer and stopped it again to send the note off. I then walked away for a bit to make a drink and do some other searches online and forgot about it, the Korg still running. 20 mins later it suddenly started working again by itself. I hadn't considered ghosts. 14:49:34
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_409428528065675284:t2bot.iotreen_. Have you tried to send it a MIDI Panic signal (also called all notes off in some programs) when this happens? 11:40:19
@_discord_409428528065675284:t2bot.iotreen_. I haven't noticed hanging notes but I haven't been pushing a lot of MIDI data 11:40:47
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat Yep. That seems to be what is happening when you hit play on the MD's tracker and then stop. It works to stop the stuck notes but not the locked ups in the synths. Doesn't seem to work when the note off comes from outside but then it seems to be the DIN MIDI portion that is doing the locking so it's not surprising that nothing can get in from outside. It pretty much locks up no matter how complicated the data but then I suspect the timing signals are contributing to the problem. It used to handle all of that fairly well but it has been getting progressively worse over the past few months. 13:38:13
@_discord_963024640668762152:t2bot.io.ragrat * Yep. That seems to be what is happening when you hit play on the MD's tracker and then stop. It works to stop the stuck notes but not the locked ups in the synths. Doesn't seem to work when the note off or system reset comes from outside but then it seems to be the DIN MIDI portion that is doing the locking so it's not surprising that nothing can get in from outside. It pretty much locks up no matter how complicated the data but then I suspect the timing signals are contributing to the problem. It used to handle all of that fairly well but it has been getting progressively worse over the past few months. 13:39:07
@_discord_409428528065675284:t2bot.iotreen_. huh that's very odd, reminds me of back in the day with synths that had either slow processors handling everything along with the MIDI or just very small MIDI data buffers. MIDI panic was a standard feature for the late 80s because of that. 13:57:49
3 Jun 2024
@davide:cavalca.nameDavide Cavalca joined the room.05:10:39
6 Jun 2024
@MartiniMoe:matrix.orgMartiniMoe joined the room.13:24:11
14 Jun 2024
@qhr33k:matrix.orgqhr33k joined the room.06:33:56

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