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Python for space physics - http://heliopy.org/4 Servers

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12 Sep 2019
@blalterman:matrix.orgBen AltermanA benefit of Pandas I can't overlook is the easy of debugging. As tabular and labelled data, I can print the results of test cases and actually visually inspect them. I've got no idea how we would do that with xarray.21:21:39
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgThose are good points21:23:26
13 Sep 2019
@wtbarnes:matrix.org@wtbarnes:matrix.org joined the room.03:49:41
@StanczakDominik:matrix.orgDominik Stańczak-Marikin joined the room.14:47:04
16 Sep 2019
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgOn the PyHC call today, Erik Grimes mentioned having put in a NASA HDEE proposal on ways to represent distribution functions. We should definitely talk.20:36:03
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orgah cool!20:37:40
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orgI haven't heard the name before (and google isn't helping much), what sort of area is he in?20:38:42
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.org * On the PyHC call today, Eric Grimes mentioned having put in a NASA HDEE proposal on ways to represent distribution functions. We should definitely talk.20:46:35
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgI think he was working on PySPEDAS, but I might be misremembering.20:47:18
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orgAh yes, a quick adsabs search reveals that is true20:47:54
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgCome to think of it, Eric and I did talk briefly about this at the last PyHC meeting.20:49:03
23 Sep 2019
@lakshyabatman:matrix.orglakshyabatman joined the room.21:24:38
26 Jan 2020
@abhijeetmanhas:matrix.org@abhijeetmanhas:matrix.org joined the room.19:25:01
6 Feb 2020
@cadair:cadair.comCadair dstansby if you want to relicence you really need sign off by everyone who has contributed 14:02:18
@cadair:cadair.comCadair x-ref for conxtet 14:06:13
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orgthanks - I'll look into it, I didn't realise that in practice GPL-3 had these issues14:06:44
@cadair:cadair.comCadairit's a great licence, but given most of the scipy ecosystem is BSD (for good or ill) it makes it difficult to collaborate14:07:30
@cadair:cadair.comCadairthe gpl is the main reason we haven't released sunkit-image yet14:07:48
@cadair:cadair.comCadairbecause I haven't wrapped my head around it14:08:00
@cadair:cadair.comCadairWe should schedule a session at the sunpy coordination meeting about the heliopy / sunpy integration14:19:24
In reply to @cadair:cadair.com
We should schedule a session at the sunpy coordination meeting about the heliopy / sunpy integration
yes, good idea
@cadair:cadair.comCadairand then consider how we are finding the money / time to work on it 😁 14:36:40
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgA while back, I asked a friend who is extremely active in the open source community about which open source license should be used for PlasmaPy. Her suggestion was to use the license that was most commonly used in the community we were working in. Since Astropy and SunPy are BSD 2-clause or 3-clause, that's what we originally ended up going with. 20:41:17
@namurphy:matrix.org@namurphy:matrix.orgAnd it's super exciting to hear prospects for heliopy/sunpy integration!20:42:48
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orgYes - it's been floating around in the back of my mind for a bit actually. If we can get the one-liner data loading working in SunPy, then I think that would remove one of my biggest personal blockers to integration20:52:07
@dstansby:matrix.org@dstansby:matrix.orghaving a one stop shop for remote and in-situ data would be amazing20:53:16
@shreyasbapat:matrix.orgshreyasbapat changed their profile picture.21:37:50

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