
Ditto Chat

182 Members
Ditto Chat is a user-friendly Matrix client. | Website: https://www.dittochat.org | Repo: https://gitlab.com/ditto-chat/ditto | Feedback: https://plan.dittochat.org76 Servers

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23 Jun 2021
In reply to @hanno_jg:matrix.org
also, I feel like ditto is missed a bit by people as its not hosted on github šŸ¤”
Who the heck (in their right mind) would want to host on EvilCorps platform?
@timewalker:foxden.partyTimeWalkerI don't care about that at all. Gitlab is also hosted on Google Cloud so you're not really making a better deal out of it if you solely care about that. I just like Gitlab's workflow and feature set more09:12:23
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.

Yeah itā€™s a small part of it for me that Iā€™m not using something owned by Microsoft. Mostly I like gitlabā€™s interface, and like you said, the feature set. It just makes sense how to use it, Iā€™m sure GitHub is great too since so many people use it, itā€™s just a matter of preference

I figure the people that might care about ditto are actually in the matrix community, who will probably see it on matrix.org or TWIM, and at that point itā€™ll just link to the code where relevant


Gitlab hosted on google cloud is also not the same thing as your account being hosted with google cloud fwiw

like, if the options were ā€œhave a personal account hosted with microsoft vs with googleā€ iā€™d probably lean towards microsoft. google is just atrocious as customer support, and issues with your google account tend to impact shitloads of ā€œotherā€ accounts with other vendors that use login with google

using gitlab, even though THEY are on GCP, is much less of a risk. gitlab will actually have things like an account rep they can hold responsible for issues that impact their stuff as a whole, as well as support staff you can talk to if just your account is having issues.

@jowj:awful.club@jowj:awful.club not that this is why annie in particular would use it, just some extra thoughts i guess 16:22:25
@jowj:awful.club@jowj:awful.club ā€œthe best way to get support on an enterprise issue at google is know someone personally who works elsewhere in the companyā€ is still true 16:23:07
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.I actually didn't know that about google customer support! 16:29:17

itā€™s a much-complained about issue. itā€™s too bad - google is very good about many things! customer support is just not one of them lol

but yeah i think having a reputable intermediary (and non ā€œlogin with googleā€ accounts) mitigates a lot of the risk involved with using them

@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.I try to use sign in with email / password whenever possible. I remember the frustration I felt when I had initially used sign in with facebook for everything, then eventually decided "I don't want to do use facebook anymore" - but was trapped in it until I could change all those accounts (some of which, like spotify, I was unable to disconnect from fb) so I never want to be dependent on a single company like that again 16:43:00
@jowj:awful.club@jowj:awful.club ugh yes, that happened to me too with FB. That was a big factor for me also moving to email / password 16:43:41
@jowj:awful.club@jowj:awful.club the dream is like, host my own IdP and then somehow get other services to support / host my own everything so i can make it all tie in 16:44:16
@jowj:awful.club@jowj:awful.club but until then, a bunch of email / password accounts. 16:44:26
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.ohhh that's a cool idea!!! at least password managers make it not-a-nightmare 16:45:20
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E. invited @annie:beeper.comAnnie Elequin.19:57:56
@annie:beeper.comAnnie Elequin joined the room.19:58:00
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.

okay I need some problem solvers out there

I think I'm about to retire my ditto.chat server. It's at max RAM and disk usage for my droplet (which I don't think it should be, but I don't think I want to spend the time to troubleshoot it) so I probably want to move back to using my matrix.org account (ugh so much message history lost)

however, this room: I think it has an address alias at #ditto:matrix.org because I'm not able to make a new room. I was hoping to reset things so I could finally get admin status back for this room (it's on my elequin.io account because I accidentally shut that down a while back before assigning a new admin- WHOOPS) I don't see that alias in the room settings though...

goal: having #ditto:matrix.org with @aelequin:matrix.org as the admin. am I doomed?

@tulir:maunium.nettulirthe permissions look like you can add moderators, but not admins22:37:47
@tulir:maunium.nettuliryou can also do a manual upgrade to make a new room that this one redirects to ( https://gist.github.com/turt2live/a99c8e794d6115d4ddfaadb72aabf063)22:38:29
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E. hmm
so why am I unable to make #ditto:matrix.org? is it because someone ELSE has set that as an alias?
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.oh! I think I did! šŸ˜… on my matrix account. 22:41:56
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.le sigh. no permission to change it 22:42:56
@annie:ditto.chatAnnie E.I think I might be doomed since I lost the admin account that created this room. note to self, always make more than one admin account. 22:45:00
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg Yeah, I think your best bet would be to do a manual upgrade as tulir suggested, and then email support@matrix.org to move the #ditto:matrix.org alias to the new room. 22:52:14
24 Jun 2021
@ryzokuken:matrix.orgryzokuken changed their display name from ryzokuken_ to ryzokuken.08:36:08
1 Jul 2021
@aditsachde:matrix.orgAdit changed their display name from Adit [m.org] to Adit.02:09:13
2 Jul 2021
@bad-cats-nap:privacytools.io@bad-cats-nap:privacytools.io left the room.12:08:58
@benpa:bpulse.orgbenpa changed their display name from benpa to benpa - away.23:37:10
5 Jul 2021
@tyto_detorta:matrix.org@tyto_detorta:matrix.org left the room.06:16:55
@nightshade:dipsacus.eu@nightshade:dipsacus.eu left the room.08:01:54
6 Jul 2021
@s.tree.river:matrix.org@s.tree.river:matrix.org left the room.06:45:08

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