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24 Jul 2023
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman TBH most people who tinker with this stuff have no qualms about using unofficial windows builds or upgrades. I paid for mine but the display core api is a bit annoying to use and even their sample crashes easily 21:16:02
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I much prefer the Vulkan-based Direct2Display which absolutely does work on Windows, at least on Nvidia 21:16:27
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I can't remember exactly, but I may have had to use my EDID box to let it work, or the DisplayCore EDID trick, or just the old Nvidia DirectMode whitelist reg file 21:17:01
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman this was like four years ago I did this. 21:17:15
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch I got pro for work but I know that microsoft is doing the winrar thing where you can use it (illegally) basically indefinitely without activating 21:17:21
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch not that I would advocate it 21:17:42
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch just use linux instead 🙂 21:17:51
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman ya, most gamers don't care either about using legit windows copies. I only switched to legit like ten years ago when I started working from home 21:18:03
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman Using pro for workstations to get free edid spoofing is a lot less of an ask for most people than switching to Linux. I've been a Linux user since the 90s but it's still a huge amount of fussing to get stuff working. that's poison to the mainstream 21:18:58
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman Apple proved this. PC VR is dying because it's so much work to get it working 21:19:13
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I spent like 2 hours on saturday just trying to get MSFS running smoothly on my Pico 3 here. 21:19:34
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman And just reinstalling some flight sims like WarPlanes, I had to redo all my HOTAS bindings which also wasted a bunch of time. time I would've rather spend gaming. Linux may be a good option with an idiot-proof GUI like SteamDeck has, but not if you have to use a command line 21:20:55
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.io.pblack for sure, I think most people would certainly regard 'works on windows pro' as substantially better than 'doesnt work at all' 21:21:42
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I have Windows 11 Pro on my gaming machine here and the Dedicated Gaming Display option isn't here. it's only on Pro for Workstations. and that's pretty hard to even find on the MS store 21:22:49
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman here it is: 21:27:11
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman https://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-remove-display-from-desktop-in-windows 21:27:12
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I bet any money there's a way to do it on regular Windows 10/11 but Microsoft is gatekeeping it for extra license upgrades. Even though practically nobody uses it except hardware tinkerers or custom display installations (for ads / billboards) 21:29:21
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman What is actually useful for Windows is the Vulkan Direct2Display solution, which isn't proprietary and doesn't just work on Windows but Linux too, so in theory the same code should be cross-plat 21:30:38
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman I honestly do not remember what I did to use it though, if the "remove display from desktop" translated under the hood in the Nvidia drivers to something the VK D2D API can use, or if I used the old VR Works whitelist, or just my EDID box 21:31:27
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman but I'd stick to Vulkan, the MS API is really tempermental and even their own compositor code sample that pushes out some colourful clears to your "disconnected" display, didn't work reliably, you'd often have to restart it once or twice 21:32:55
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman really irritating 21:32:55
@_discord_1107766852534403072:t2bot.iovrtesterman For NV stuff, there are some hidden options in the beta drivers that you can activate (like some direct mode stuff I believe) using a command-line tool. I believe D2D is one of them, it's disabled by default on Windows. Requiring beta NV drivers is more of a dealbreaker for most people than having to have Windows 10/11 Pro for Workstations, I think, cause it doesn't have auto-driver updates 21:34:13
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch VK_EXT_direct_mode_display? That has 0 reports on gpuinfo.org. Wasn't that the one only nvidia supports? 21:40:49
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.io.pblack some docs here: https://github.com/nvpro-samples/gl_render_vk_ddisplay 21:58:13
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.io.pblack this is probably all off-topic for #driver-north-star to some extent anyways 21:59:37
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.io.pblack maybe i should repost my links in #🪟-windows and delete them from here? 23:27:37
25 Jul 2023
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz Yeah the links would be good there as well, no need to remove them. Tbh, adding them to the webpage or monado docs even better. 00:21:56
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz Also to go by that nvpro-sample, Monado should without modification just be able to use the VK_KHR_display backend on Windows. 00:23:08
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz set XRT_COMPOSITOR_FORCE_VK_DISPLAY=0 and monado-service.exe. 00:25:05
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi 🌈🐈 woahhh 00:50:03

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