

946 Members
Bridged room for #discord-driver-northstar on the Monado discord4 Servers

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7 Jan 2024
@_discord_207586963665059840:t2bot.iogalister#0 changed their display name from galister#0 to galister.13:33:53
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch 14:13:55
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi 🌈🐈 18:23:00
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz 20:06:27
@_discord_255041490676350976:t2bot.ioolekolek1000 20:09:46
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik 16:00:06
@_discord_251804262189760514:t2bot.iomateosss 20:10:07
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium changed their display name from autumnaurelium#0 to autumnaurelium.05:02:09
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch 15:14:39
@_discord_251804262189760514:t2bot.iomateosss 15:38:24
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik 16:18:56
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz 22:01:01
16 Jan 2024
@coolgi:matrix.orgcoolGi (moved => @me:coolgi.dev) joined the room.13:17:43
22 Jan 2024
@haagch:matrix.orghaagch!discord bridge 556527313823596604 67179907102290739815:42:35
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord BridgeI'm asking permission from the guild administrators to make this bridge.15:42:37
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

I have bridged this room to your channel

@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch changed their profile picture.16:01:11
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi 🌈🐈 16:20:23
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan changed their profile picture.18:42:37
23 Jan 2024
@_discord_401595268815912961:t2bot.ioyoyobuae changed their profile picture.16:04:51
24 Jan 2024
@_discord_178281289995124739:t2bot.iohare_ware#4880 changed their profile picture.02:27:21
@_discord_251804262189760514:t2bot.iomateosss changed their profile picture.14:57:32
25 Jan 2024
@_discord_214999775576195072:t2bot.iomonkygames changed their profile picture.05:20:37
26 Jan 2024
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium How do I tell Monado that I have a Northstar plugged in and to use the north-star builder? 07:24:41
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium Because as it stands it's just making a generic HMD 07:28:15
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium not really sure what device it uses as a criterion for there being a Northstar plugged in 07:30:12
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium I have the New Northstar and everything ever written for the Northstar seems to assume you have the old Deck X kit, so I assume that it's trying to match a display vendor or something and just failing 07:36:20
@_discord_195600010740498432:t2bot.ioaurelium * I have the New Northstar and everything written for the Northstar seems to assume you have the old Deck X kit, so I assume that it's trying to match a display vendor or something and just failing 07:36:30
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz changed their profile picture.11:04:46
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch at least the northstars we have don't really have any devices other than a t265 and the display itself. 11:55:18

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