

10 Members
https://gitlab.com/tenkiv/software/physikal4 Servers

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28 Apr 2019
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.org invited @Shanling:matrix.orgShan.15:22:52
@Shanling:matrix.orgShan joined the room.15:23:06
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.15:24:49
3 May 2019
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:36:56
18 May 2019
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystratton joined the room.01:16:29
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattonWhat ever happened to the density units? I saw in an old project of mine that KILOGRAM_PER_LITER existed, but IDEA can't find it in the latest version (using complete units)01:19:03
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.org I don't remember that unit. Do you know what version of Physikal you able to use KILOGRAM_PER_LITER from? 01:40:16
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattonlooks like
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattoni'm guessing you guys are waiting for UoM 2.0 to be released?01:41:40
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattonthough i saw you were considering rewriting it ground up in kotlin instead of using UoM as a dependency01:42:46
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgWe will need to do something major for sure because we need Physikal to be multiplatform. I'm hoping we can do it in a way that maintains compatability with Java UoM but it doesn't seem likely at the moment.01:44:02
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattonkotlin syntax (extensions and infix especially) definitely makes for better usage of uom01:44:12
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystratton something like val foo: Density = 3.kg per 1.L sounds totally doable, but i see you are a small team, and i'm guessing this is a pet project 01:46:05
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystratton or val foo = 3.kg/L is also possible in Kotlin. This is all such a cool idea, imo. 01:47:41
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgSort of a pet project. We need a units library for https://github.com/Tenkiv/Kuantify (I haven't posted this anywhere even though it's been open source for a while)01:47:56
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgThere are lots of better things we could do in pure kotlin01:48:15
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgI think it should really be based around a compiler plugin01:48:38
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattoni just completed my undergrad, and while i'm working on my next stage in life i have some freetime. i might help.01:48:45
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgThe problem with a compiler plugin is it's not at all stable yet and there is almost no documentation01:49:20
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgBut we could do really cool things like actually recognise 1m / 1s results in the type Quantity<Speed> at compile time01:49:59
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattonyeah, i don't know much at all about that. what would make the compiler plugin better? it sounds difficult to do01:50:05
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystratton even without compiler, you can get 1.m/s working. 01:51:17
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgIt would mostly be nice for when you're doing math with quantities01:51:58
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orglike (10m / 5s) -10.m/s01:52:41
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgnot as compelling in the super simplified examples01:52:52
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystrattoni see01:52:59
@caseystratton:matrix.orgcaseystratton if i learn anything about compiler plugins, i'll add unbounded ranges to the language ASAP, e.g. val foo = list[..3] 01:53:47
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgI'm guessing it will be one of the major announcements in Kotlin 1.4 as they already exist but have no stability gaurentees or documentation at the moment01:55:08
@zjuhasz:matrix.org@zjuhasz:matrix.orgcompiler plugins that is01:55:31

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