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9 Dec 2022
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgi ment oftc-irc19:03:07
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgThat's not a spam user :) That looks like your channel is bridged to the OFTC IRC network.19:04:07
* @arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.org checks real quick19:04:13
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgPerhaps one of the other admins thought it would be a good idea to have an IRC channel side too?19:04:40
@_oftc_weechat:matrix.org@_oftc_weechat:matrix.org joined the room.19:04:47
@_oftc_weechat:matrix.org@_oftc_weechat:matrix.orgCan you read this?19:04:52
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgi wouldn't rule that out 19:04:58
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgYep, you're bridged to OFTC.19:04:59
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.org weechat: yes 19:05:03
In reply to @_oftc_weechat:matrix.org
Can you read this?
That's me.
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgwe certainly don't need the irc bridge anymore19:05:38
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgbut i guess, there's no easy way for me to tear it down19:05:54
@_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org@_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org joined the room.19:06:05
* @_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org@_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org checks something19:06:05
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgI'd assume you can just DM the bot with the right commands and it will release control.19:07:01
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgic, i'll check that, there has to be a documentation somewhere 19:07:30


!unlink !room:example.com irc.example.net #foobar : Unlink an IRC channel from a Matrix room. You need to be a moderator of the Matrix room or an administrator of this bridge.
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgGot that from sending "!help" to the bot via DM.19:08:18
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.org So I'd try !unlink !ofm:matrix.org irc.oftc.net #ofm. 19:08:41
@cos:hacklab.fi@cos:hacklab.fi joined the room.19:10:22
@_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org@_oftc_arraybolt3:matrix.org left the room.19:11:03
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgFailed to unlink room. Check the logs for details.19:11:23
@_oftc_weechat:matrix.org@_oftc_weechat:matrix.org left the room.19:11:28
@cos:hacklab.fi@cos:hacklab.fi This room wasn't in #aerospace-space:hacklab.fi space, I added it now 19:11:54
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.org cos: thanks! 19:12:11
@cos:hacklab.fi@cos:hacklab.fiFor such small room it would be an option just to create a new room and tombstone this to point to new one19:12:58
@cos:hacklab.fi@cos:hacklab.fiWe could also shut down the IRC bridge or replace it with heisenbridge if wanted19:13:25
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orgyep, nuke is an option, okay with me19:13:49
@arraybolt3:matrix.org@arraybolt3:matrix.orgI see there are bugs with the IRC bridge unlinking feature (or at least a bug): https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/issues/1509 Seems similar.19:14:11

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