

6 Members
Public community channel | https://openflightmaps.org3 Servers

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22 Mar 2018
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupa30 years anniversary :-)08:15:15
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.org changed the room topic to "Public community channel | https://openflightmaps.org" from "public community channel - https://openflightmaps.org".13:13:08
26 Mar 2018
@poupam:matrix.orgpoupam joined the room.14:21:56
28 Mar 2018
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupanice tool13:26:44
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaneed registration13:33:36
29 Mar 2018
@svoop:matrix.org@svoop:matrix.orggosh, auf was für einem schwarzmarkt das ding wohl landet (pun intended)... http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/pohlheim-bei-giessen-motorflugzeug-im-wert-von-150-000-euro-gestohlen-a-1200490.html12:15:42
@philhug:matrix.orghugHehe, ja, wenn dann nur einzelteile18:08:38
2 Apr 2018
@oliver.vord:matrix.orgoliver.vordHappy easter to everybody 😀!07:56:32
3 Apr 2018
Download elon.png
4 Apr 2018
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaHi Oliver06:14:27
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaSlovakia is still not in the Rocket route ...06:14:46
@oliver.vord:matrix.orgoliver.vord poupa: on my device slovakia is updated 15:33:13
@philhug:matrix.orghug @oliver.vord can't see it either even after refresh 15:59:41
@philhug:matrix.orghug Ah it's there. Ordering is weird :) 16:01:39
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupai will try....17:12:02
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupano Slovakia17:19:22
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupais not in Rocket route17:19:34
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaSlovenia Yes17:19:58
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaSlovakia No17:20:08
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaSlovakia NO17:20:14
Download rocket.jpg
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaSlovakia is not on the list17:34:38
@oliver.vord:matrix.orgoliver.vordI have oh ☹18:41:59
7 Apr 2018
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupaDo you know were is problem?11:02:01
@poupa:matrix.orgpoupamay by you have Slovenia11:02:26

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