
Empty Room

3 Members
DECOMMISSIONED - join #ofm:matrix.org instead2 Servers

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15 Mar 2018
@philhug:matrix.orghugcommunity not found14:58:22
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopchanged room power levels.14:59:05
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopwas meinst du mit "group", gibt es noch was zwischen room und community?14:59:37
@philhug:matrix.orghugcommmunity hast mir den link?14:59:57
@svoop:matrix.orgsvooplassen wir den public #openflightmaps oder besser #ofm-public ?15:03:32
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopoder nur #ofm15:04:04
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoop(wenn du mich bei der +ofm community adminst, kann ich helfen)15:04:51
@philhug:matrix.orghughast gejoined?15:05:18
@philhug:matrix.orghugsag mir wie?15:06:00
@philhug:matrix.orghugund musst mimch noch bei der openflightmaps community einladen15:06:09
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopRedacted or Malformed Event15:06:48
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopRedacted or Malformed Event15:07:08
@philhug:matrix.orghugRedacted or Malformed Event15:07:19
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoopausprobieren 15:07:31
@svoop:matrix.orgsvoop changed the room name to "#ofm" from "#openflightmaps".15:09:03
17 Mar 2018
@philhug:matrix.orghug invited @oliver.vord:matrix.orgoliver.vord.15:28:36
@oliver.vord:matrix.orgoliver.vord joined the room.17:49:30
18 Mar 2018
@petyo:matrix.orgpetyo joined the room.20:37:29
@petyo:matrix.orgpetyoI just have been registered successful20:39:00
@philhug:matrix.orghughi @petyo: great!20:39:33

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