
Twister OS

1817 Members
Twister OS chat on matrix - https://twisteros.com12 Servers

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10 Jun 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.orgthompson_plugHello everyone I'm a Grower and supplier of cannabis and psychedelics products such as; edibles Distillates Disposables Shrooms(mushrooms) Weed (bud) Vapes Codeine CBD oil Packwood Cocaine Ketamine Steroids Pills Hash Rosin Mdma DMT Meth Cart Clone card Cashapp/PayPal flip Fakenotes too and many more... Let me know if you’re interested See products in the channel 👇 👇👇 https://t.me/highways_market 23:09:27
11 Jun 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.orgthompson_plug left the room.16:50:29
13 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.orgThomas Hardy joined the room.10:02:44
16 Jun 2024
@rp6667:matrix.orgrow changed their display name from row to Rene.11:01:02
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.13:50:54
19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:22:59
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.orgThomas Hardy left the room.09:34:58
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit joined the room.19:18:52
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a BitJudging by the spam, it appears that TwisterOS is very dead.19:36:40
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit left the room.19:36:44
22 Jun 2024
@rp6667:matrix.orgrow changed their display name from Rene to row.12:53:20
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 joined the room.18:47:24
23 Jun 2024
@bobbyxdev:matrix.orgbobbyxdev joined the room.00:14:33
@bobbyxdev:matrix.orgbobbyxdev left the room.00:17:11
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20Dear admin and fellow individuals sorry for the interruption 🙏 Just to create awareness i Grow and supply  quality cannabis and psychedelics products like shrooms, DMT, Lsd, Mdma, ketamine, chocolate bars,Meth, cart vapes, buds, wax, shatter, Edibles,distillates, chill pills and many more like (bank notes) and CLONED CARDS too which have been tested to work perfectly💯. We also do Prescription for patients with health related issues to combat depression and anxiety. Affordable prices,discounts, discrete packaging and secure delivery both local and internationally. join channel below to see products 👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/highways_market23:36:05
27 Jun 2024
@hippiejeffy:matrix.orgHippie Jeff joined the room.06:05:06
29 Jun 2024
@dc5378:matrix.orgDustin Clemons joined the room.08:41:58
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:48:41
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseWe're having a party https://cutt.ly/pwYY5PNA https://cutt.ly/kwYY6yKe22:17:42
3 Jul 2024
@lawenforc99:matrix.orglawenforc99 joined the room.05:36:41
5 Jul 2024
@hippiejeffy:matrix.orgHippie Jeff left the room.22:50:51
11 Jul 2024
@kek:beeper.comkek joined the room.12:59:20
@kek:beeper.comkek left the room.13:00:24
15 Jul 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseDer weltweit führende Dating- Assistent https://www1.afego.life/v8L8OE20:49:30
22 Jul 2024
@better4lnow:matrix.orgCherokee 2key joined the room.13:53:05
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 left the room.22:40:56
23 Jul 2024
@djprogen:matrix.orgdjprogen joined the room.03:16:33
25 Jul 2024
@dunchodgy:matrix.orgDuncan Hodgson joined the room.04:44:22
@dunchodgy:matrix.orgDuncan HodgsonHello :)04:44:35
@dunchodgy:matrix.orgDuncan HodgsonAnyone can help with Twister OS 2.0.3 on a Rock Pi 4b ?05:15:45

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