

9 Members
The Evidence of God2 Servers

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17 Jul 2019
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again23:11:47
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions23:11:47
@medad:matrix.orgmedaddid you see that ... I type !wikipedia grapes .. and wikipedia posted on the chat23:13:17
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again23:13:17
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions23:13:17
@medad:matrix.orgmedadwhoops .. grape not grapes23:13:35
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again23:13:37
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions23:13:37
@medad:matrix.orgmedadand have a great dinner ..!23:14:02
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again23:14:02
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions23:14:02
@medad:matrix.orgmedadwhen using a widget attached up top like custom dictionary .. know there is an icon to enlarge on top left, green arrows ... on in the middle little arrow pointing up to the right .. however, when the widget goes full screen .. to reduce the icon look down at the bottow right for arrows to reduce the icon .. and then click again top left on green arrows to close them up23:20:12
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botWould you like another tip?23:20:13
@medad:matrix.orgmedadOk me too.. going to eat ... still lots of work to do .. I am not happy with how hard it is to join .. hopefully when we get this program on the blog it won't be ... 23:24:22
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botOk, now let's look at how you create a group chat23:24:25
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botDownload Starting a group chat23:24:26
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botJust two more tips to go and you'll be a pro. Should I serve up the next one?23:24:32
@medad:matrix.orgmedadTrump is on23:24:57
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again23:24:58
18 Jul 2019
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again15:21:15
@medad:matrix.orgmedad!kjv Heb 11:615:24:11
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again15:24:11
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions15:24:11
@medad:matrix.orgmedad!kjv Heb 11 615:24:50
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again15:24:55
@riot-bot:matrix.orgRiot-botType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions15:24:56
@scottmu:matrix.orgscottmu joined the room.18:33:10
25 Aug 2019
@inbonove3:matrix.org@inbonove3:matrix.org joined the room.22:58:46
@inbonove3:matrix.org@inbonove3:matrix.org left the room.22:59:00

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