
Fluid Watercooler

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21 Jan 2021
@waharnum:matrix.orgwaharnumAnd shortly after she'd calmed down a bit from that, she was put in her carrier and taken to a new place15:07:25
@klown:matrix.orgclownpoor puddy-tat 😾15:07:49
@klown:matrix.orgclownI remember one move (many years ago) where Dorian, our cat at the time, crawled up inside our couch and stayed there for days except for meals and litter box. Eventually he acclimated.15:09:07
@klown:matrix.orgclown How are the humans doing after the move waharnum ? 15:09:37
@waharnum:matrix.orgwaharnum clown: we are tired but glad to be in the new place - have a lot of boxes to unpack, but did enough last night that we could sleep and make coffee this morning 15:10:08
@klown:matrix.orgclownsleepe and coffee -- two of the most important things in life.15:10:28
@waharnum:matrix.orgwaharnumI am basically inside a cubicle of book boxes and Ikea Kallax units right now15:10:32
@klown:matrix.orgclownwe'll see what it looks like at standup up...15:11:01
@bosmon:matrix.orgbosmonWanted to share with you this encounter with the EVEN MORE ANCESTRAL ENEMY15:33:29
@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni Tirlonisweet 😻16:46:58
@jhung:matrix.orgjhung changed their display name from jhung to jhung_away.17:39:37
@jhung:matrix.orgjhung changed their display name from jhung_away to jhung.17:53:51

greatislander: you were asking about the e-waste 3D printer. I haven't found a "definitive" guide, it seems many people make their own Frankenstein printer.

I did find these https://www.instructables.com/eWaste-60-3DPrinter/ and https://lizzit.it/printer/

@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni Tirloni waharnum: maybe try a Feliway difuser if the cat is still shy after a few days 18:11:05
@klown:matrix.orgclown * sleep and coffee -- two of the most important things in life.18:46:23
@waharnum:matrix.orgwaharnum gtirloni: She's out and exploring the new place now - seems to mostly want to confirm there's no other cats hiding anywhere :p 19:13:37
@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni Tirlonicool :-D19:48:49
@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni TirloniDownload 1_4922639052202574277.mp423:37:56
22 Jan 2021
@gmoss:matrix.orggmossme coming to JS as a Java/C# dev00:36:31
@gmoss:matrix.orggmoss * me coming to JS as a Java/C# dev (we'll ignore for a moment that both those languages have type inference and generics available now)00:42:01
@bosmon:matrix.orgbosmonSurely that only gives them yet more pointless holes to put things in : P00:42:46
@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni TirloniI've watched that video about 10x already and it gets funnier every time01:33:43
@gtirloni:matrix.orgGiovanni TirloniQA life 😎01:33:53
@waharnum:matrix.orgwaharnumview from my new home office17:37:24
Download image.png
@klown:matrix.orgclownyour two favourite people18:44:21
25 Jan 2021
In reply to @gtirloni:matrix.org
sent a video.
My daughter has a toy like this, but one of the first times we played with it, I tested that the blocks only fit in one hole each. 😊

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