

566 Members
OpenStreetMap en Nicaragua26 Servers

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31 Mar 2021
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowDownload mp4.mp401:30:57
@telegram_398990244:t2bot.ioChop top changed their display name from Hans to Chop top.01:56:00
@telegram_398990244:t2bot.ioChop top changed their profile picture.01:56:01
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) Willow ¡Qué genial! Este es el estado actual: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Nicaragua/Transporte_p%C3%BAblico/Granada 01:57:30
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) changed their profile picture.01:57:33
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Tenemos trazas GPX de dos rutas.01:57:48
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Mercado - La Villa y Adelita - Mercado.01:58:02
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Pero creo que son cuatro rutas, ¿cierto?01:58:24
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowAparecen 4 trazas02:03:15
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Una de ida y otra de regreso.02:05:21
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Por cada ruta.02:05:29
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillow¿Se reflejan los interlocales?02:06:37
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) Sí, aquí:
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Nicaragua/Transporte_p%C3%BAblico/Intermunicipal 02:07:39
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Nicaragua/Transporte_p%C3%BAblico/Rural#Granada 02:07:58
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)También los queremos mapear, pero se nos ha dificultado por lo tardado de los recorridos.02:10:03
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillow¿Se podría mapear otros tipos de transporte como por ejemplo los Ferrys?02:14:53
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Sí.02:15:06
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram) Aquí está la información consolidada: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Nicaragua/Transporte_público 02:15:56
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowSuper bueno 👍02:17:12
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowFaltarían las avionetas :D02:17:55
@telegram_232052025:t2bot.ioEduardo (Telegram)Jeje.02:18:06
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowDownload mp4.mp402:20:05
@telegram_31697721:t2bot.iororo (Telegram)
In reply to Willow
¿Se podría mapear otros tipos de transporte como por ejemplo los Ferrys?
Bienvenido Willow...

Creo que los ferrys están mapeados, pero nunca está de más verificar el recorrido. También sería genial poder mejorar lo recorridos en las isletas de Granada. Entiendo que hay barcas que hacen de "rutas", con un recorrido más o menos fijo, no?
2 Apr 2021
@telegram_1749023602:t2bot.ioWillowSería investigar23:58:13
3 Apr 2021
@telegram_1310574938:t2bot.ioLinda F❤️02:25:39
9 Apr 2021
@telegram_1441916380:t2bot.ioTim Millsap joined the room.09:25:04
@telegram_31697721:t2bot.iororo (Telegram) Forwarded message from Ce Ja
Hola a tod@s, supongo que ya se posteó aquí pero por si la duda, viene el SOTM:

https://2021.stateofthemap.org/calls/general/ For the second time, State of the Map will be virtual, SotM 2021 is scheduled to happen from July 9 – 11, 2021.
SotM can not happen without talks, workshops and panels based on the knowledge and experiences of the whole OSM community, it is in this regard that we are calling on the global community to submit proposals in various categories but not limited to the following:
Call for Participation
As of now we are accepting your talks and presentations in the following State of the Map 2021 categories / tracks:
OSM Basics: Information dedicated to newcomers
Community & Foundation: Bringing people together, working group experiences, strategies & vision
Mapping: All about making the mapping easier and better
Cartography: Your ideas on how to create good-looking manifestations of the OSM dataset
Software Development: Software for processing and editing data
Data Analysis & Data Model: Reflections about the OSM data, its model and analysis of quality and completeness
User Experiences: Tell your surprising story of using OSM as an end-user
Art & Creativity: Creative projects with OSM
Academic Track: Academic research about, and with, OSM
You will also find an additional submission type called Panel. Panels are for hot, controversial discussions around the OSM community, mapping and data. Topics may cover for example diversity, legal questions or the future of the database.
You will find the Calls for Participation and the links to the submission forms here:
Non academic talk submissions: https://2021.stateofthemap.org/cfp
Academic talk submissions: https://2021.stateofthemap.org/cfp/academic/
Timeline and Deadlines
11 April 2021 @ 23:59:59 UTC: Deadline talk and workshop submissions
25 April 2021 @ 23:59:59 UTC: Deadline academic talk submissions
End of April 2021: End of review phase, speakers will be informed
May 2021: Talk video production (test video and final video)
6 June 2021 @ 23:59:59 UTC: Deadline panel submissions
June 2021: Lightning talk video production
9-11 July 2021: State of the Map 2021
@telegram_1646018587:t2bot.ioJuanY que vamos a hacer al respecto? Algún local va a presentar algo?21:34:00
@telegram_31697721:t2bot.iororo (Telegram)Comparto el anuncio por si quieren inscribirse para participar...21:34:57

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