18 Jun 2023 |
| kayemon joined the room. | 09:19:03 |
| kayemon left the room. | 10:40:08 |
| zipoulashh left the room. | 17:29:55 |
23 Jul 2023 |
| Math joined the room. | 09:18:57 |
| Math left the room. | 09:19:08 |
3 Sep 2023 |
| shahtehmas joined the room. | 09:25:01 |
| shahtehmas left the room. | 09:25:14 |
5 Nov 2023 |
| fulio joined the room. | 04:03:49 |
| fulio left the room. | 04:13:06 |
24 Nov 2023 |
| @diabloxxx:matrix.org joined the room. | 00:17:43 |
25 Nov 2023 |
| @diabloxxx:matrix.org joined the room. | 08:37:53 |
| @diabloxxx:matrix.org left the room. | 08:37:57 |
21 Oct 2019 |
| strunz changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared". | 19:23:04 |
| strunz invited @appservice-irc:matrix.org. | 19:25:44 |
| strunzchanged room power levels. | 19:26:18 |
| @appservice-irc:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:26:21 |
| @appservice-irc:matrix.org left the room. | 19:36:53 |
2 Nov 2019 |
| strunz set the room topic to "Parlare con rispetto anche di tutto.". | 10:53:33 |
9 Nov 2019 |
| bgldo joined the room. | 03:30:39 |
10 Nov 2019 |
| oneaday5280 joined the room. | 05:03:03 |
| oneaday5280 left the room. | 05:03:12 |
16 Mar 2020 |
| jhsdhjsdjhdshjsdw34542 joined the room. | 01:24:59 |
19 May 2020 |
| kingdave888 joined the room. | 16:58:08 |
| kingdave888 joined the room. | 22:23:56 |
21 May 2020 |
| kingdave888 left the room. | 09:04:32 |
7 Jul 2020 |
| alani831 joined the room. | 16:42:03 |
| alani831 left the room. | 21:52:43 |
1 Feb 2021 |
| lucamana83 joined the room. | 14:31:57 |
5 Feb 2021 |
| lucamana83 left the room. | 00:12:46 |
29 Aug 2021 |
| @uyt887:matrix.org joined the room. | 08:36:00 |