

289 Members
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11 Sep 2024
@telegram_1015538302:tchncs.de🐧iov (Telegram) changed their display name from 🐧bird what do you mean (Telegram) to 🐧iov (Telegram).13:49:54
17 Sep 2024
@ayaen:matrix.orgayaen changed their profile picture.11:27:53
18 Sep 2024
@telegram_1742629924:tchncs.deĐạt 09 (Telegram) joined the room.05:46:50
22 Sep 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenighthawk changed their display name from nobody to nighthawk.20:38:27
27 Sep 2024
@alt0fnm1lk:matrix.opulus.spaceкавуся слободна changed their profile picture.15:51:37
@alt0fnm1lk:matrix.opulus.spaceкавуся слободна changed their profile picture.15:59:27
29 Sep 2024
@telegram_1528522062:tchncs.deCapricorn (Telegram) joined the room.16:17:18
2 Oct 2024
@asmpas:matrix.orgSam joined the room.07:42:32
5 Oct 2024
@fire_element:matrix.org@fire_element:matrix.org joined the room.20:28:14
@fire_element:matrix.org@fire_element:matrix.org left the room.20:30:50

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