
Decred (DCR) Trading

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Decred's insane asylum. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. | DCRDEX: https://dex.decred.org/ | Tutorial: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaMrpvQ0yJ_yZeAU593iX1-ugA2txRPTS6 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@_discord_817480697626624034:t2bot.io.jookly I've always thought of it as a model for something much greater too. With so much worry around election transparency and accountability it is a really fascinating way to poll a group of people. 18:18:34
@brbot:decred.orgbrbot[br] <davec> Nice comments from those who get it. Exitus is entirely correct, but there is basically no way anyone who has been around as long as confounder doesn't already know that, so it's really just meant to get a rise and/or vent. Nevertheless, to expand a bit for anyone newer around these parts, the system was explicitly designed so anyone can make proposals (up to and including changes the consensus rules), contribute, and even receive funding if the stakeholders approve per Exitus' comment. A so-called "project lead" doesn't have any special powers in Decred. They are just the dedicated people who have spent years tirelessly delivering everything that was stated as a part of the original vision as well as additional things at their own expense. If anyone believes they, or others they know, can take Decred to the promised land, so to speak, there is nothing stopping you or them from doing so. Make proposals and convince the stakeholders to follow your lead to make it go in the direction you want.19:08:14
In reply to @_discord_817480697626624034:t2bot.io
Bitcoin dip is over? 🤞
if dxy now starts moving to the upside, it would nail eq prices and consecutively btc -> dcr price lower
In reply to @_discord_817480697626624034:t2bot.io
Bitcoin dip is over? 🤞
* if dxy starts moving to the upside, it would nail eq prices and consecutively btc -> dcr price lower
@_discord_387087231044550657:t2bot.iopubpedro Shhhh 20:27:21
@karamble:decred.orgkarambleDat Putin bashing vibes20:32:17
@karamble:decred.orgkarambleRussia is a good country but Putin needs to step back and free up the ressources20:35:01
Download dxy1d.jpg
@saender:decred.orgsænderif daily confirms above latest pivot point with strength then I'd see another haircut to eq->btc->dcr20:41:17
@saender:decred.orgsænder * if daily confirms above latest pivot point (pa inside last cyan rekt angle) with strength then I'd see another haircut to eq->btc->dcr20:42:27
@_discord_387087231044550657:t2bot.iopubpedro Fud 23:08:58
26 Jul 2024
@saender:decred.orgsænderneeds week or so to play out01:04:20
@saender:decred.orgsænderits 1d candol view01:04:31
@saender:decred.orgsændershtf event required before liquidity floodgates are opened what drive dxy lower and cc & eq higher, they dont do that out of a whim... scapegoat event is needed before that / as in atm => its dollar milkshake theory at play it takes time to unwind but im pretty sure things are toppy af in eq 01:28:30
@saender:decred.orgsændereverything is pinpointed to given potus election, highly likely whoever comes next is tagged w everything crash01:31:18
Download image0.gif
@dhill:decred.orgdhillAgree.. Faith is what you want, but faith takes work. So people choose to hope instead.13:59:01
@_discord_387087231044550657:t2bot.iopubpedro Is that green I see 18:06:29
@_discord_133638692693737472:t2bot.iotoussaint. https://tenor.com/view/kitty-gif-27687064 18:08:13
@_discord_369257290416652288:t2bot.iotothemoon8286 I don’t see green, I only see sage 18:39:22
In reply to @_discord_387087231044550657:t2bot.io
Is that green I see
maybe but I am color blind
@grim8vandal:decred.orggrim8vandal50 shades of green for all the altcoins.19:09:40
@tallamericano:decred.orgtallamericanoHere comes the rip. Hold on tight19:18:22
@tallamericano:decred.orgtallamericanoWe lost a few negative naysayers to the prozacs and we marched on19:18:53
@dezryth:decred.orgdezrythWE're so back!!19:19:52
@saender:decred.orgsændercandol is nice, need that bottom vol also attached21:01:08
@saender:decred.orgsænder * candol is nice, need that bottoming volume also attached21:01:18
Download voloom.gif
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @dhill:decred.org
Wow, if Trump adopts that idea from Robert Kennedy, and buys 550 BTC a day for the US Government, then BTC will go to $1,000,000 in a month?

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