
Bot Hell

16 Members
Lotsa bots, probs not the best idea5 Servers

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9 Oct 2017
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi[market://details?id=com.google.earth](I use this one)20:23:09
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again20:23:10
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back BotWelcome back, @TheGreatNi:matrix.org20:23:11
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back BotWelcome back, @riot-bot:matrix.org20:23:15
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi(market://details?id=com.google.earth)[I use this one]20:23:20
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again20:23:23
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi I use this one 20:23:47
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again20:23:50
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions20:23:50
10 Oct 2017
@_neb_rssbot_=40_the_great_ni=3amatrix.org:matrix.org@_neb_rssbot_=40_the_great_ni=3amatrix.org:matrix.org Lorem ipsum feed for an interval of 1 days posted a new article: Lorem ipsum 2017-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 ( http://example.com/test/1507593600 ) 00:03:16
@ivarbot:hveem.noivarModules: wikipedia thank-you dokpro markov ipa complete mannen dota lua redditjoke changelog translate tls when lastfm unicode streamtitle scale karma rroulette tvmaze roll alias spotify textutils amatyr twitter btc svada clue urbandict list twitch utf8 navnedag tollpost explosm-rcg more rottentomatoes logger fortune googleapi goodreads alarm airs emoji illness stats benis insult netutils casino charstat shipment bobross charset dict choose ircsnap weatherunderground gay rss 8ball giphy alot aunesand note msbot location yr ermahgerd betayr substitute motivate sylfest thanks ping k title cubesensors gcalc chopra wolframalpha admin excuse anagram datemisc exchange15:42:18
@mijris:chat.weho.stmijrisModules: wikipedia urbandict google note trigger exchange complete lua redditjoke substitute translate tls wordnik stats rottentomatoes excuse youtube dict karma gay giphy 8ball insult when weatherunderground roll alias twitter title rss textutils thanks motivate chopra goodreads ping btc duckduckgo emoji gcalc imdb wolframalpha admin alarm anagram netutils list15:42:19
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again15:42:25
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions15:42:25
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi!ud SOP15:52:16
@mijris:chat.weho.stmijrisTheGreatNi: Actually it means, Standard Operating Procedure 15:52:17
@ivarbot:hveem.noivarTheGreatNi: Actually it means, Standard Operating Procedure 15:52:17
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again15:52:18
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions15:52:18
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back BotWelcome back, @riot-bot:matrix.org16:00:30
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again17:33:06
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions17:33:06
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi!ud adhjkaklf17:33:07
@ivarbot:hveem.noivarTheGreatNi: adhjkaklf is bad and you should feel bad.17:33:08
@mijris:chat.weho.stmijrisTheGreatNi: adhjkaklf is bad and you should feel bad.17:33:08
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgSorry, I didn't quite get that. Please try again17:33:09
@riot-bot:matrix.org@riot-bot:matrix.orgType 'help' for a list of commands, or 'faqs' for a list of frequently asked questions17:33:09
@TheGreatNi:matrix.orgTheGreatNi!echo t17:33:23

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