

7 Members
Ability to extract meaning and obligation to do so.3 Servers

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17 Mar 2020
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:19:58
18 Mar 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Either an exaggeration or blatently false.00:15:48
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Apt that you interpretted character as a lexical unit.
Occidentalism requires perfunctor-i-tude in a language, as much as orientalism requires platitude.
Agglutination accomplishes that hence why Japanese (the most agglutinative oriental language) together with the occident's most analytic language form an oriental-occidental cross-cultural bridge. A sincerely universal language paradoxically requires both traits, therefore requires an equitable neurological incentive to discard one characteristic or the other when reading the same character depending on native linguistic background.
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Quite frankly.. Mi credas ke sufiĉaj lingvistoj spektas la historion.00:19:49
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Tio estas ĉio ke lingvistoj agu.00:27:44
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥We must learn from the present. Our zeitgeist is a tedious renaissance. 00:31:26
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Languages past haven't evoked half the horror langauges present have. I care more to end pagan suppression while also not repeating a holocaust. At no point in recorded history can we analyze when or how pagan oppression began. We only know how that oppression has persisted. Both conditionally from a neutral POV. 00:39:15
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:17:33
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:18:56
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:20:14
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.org joined the room.09:15:58
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.org joined the room.09:17:15
26 Mar 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Fatalo + Feo malcedu Dio. Fatalo signifas malkreo um vivo de kreo. Feo signifas malkreo de vakuo um vivo de kreo. Treating -um- as an opposite for "of" or "de". In latin, "ob" as opposed to "ex".16:20:38
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Fatalo + Feo malcedu Dioj. Fatalo signifas malkreo um vivo de kreo. Feo signifas malkreo de vakuo um vivo de kreo. Treating -um- as an opposite for "of" or "de". In latin, "ob" as opposed to "ex".16:21:48
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 invited @lapucelle1:ma.neko.barLaPucelle.16:42:01
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥ardueco rilitas afino al influo al malkreota vakuo.16:42:07
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥arduo rilitas influo malkreota vakuo.18:32:21
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Download Memoro de la Ŝtono (Esperanto and English)-watchv=56H1_2vDH6A.webm19:34:09
27 Mar 2020
@lapucelle1:ma.neko.barLaPucelle joined the room.01:14:10
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:05:20
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:16:02
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:16:13
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:16:17
28 Mar 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * arduo rilitas influo al malkreota vakuo.16:06:10
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥sort' or sorto more closely means luck or sorcery fatalo means fate in that sense "twisted fate" or fatalism the belief in "unstoppable fate" 16:10:07
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥also you might mean "belo" hee hee hee16:12:17
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥feeto rilitas ideojn de ofte okazu animo feego rilitas ideojn de rare okazu animo feeta vojado rilitas oftan eksponon al ideoj de ofte okazu animo feega vojado rilitas raran eksponon al ideoj de rare okazu animo16:44:26
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I had to coin a rough translation of wei wu to esperanto: vojado literally meaning "moment of the way" I take pride in that cultural contribution16:45:41
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * I had to coin a rough translation of wei wu to esperanto:
vojado literally meaning "moment of the way"
I take pride in that cultural contribution

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