

7 Members
Ability to extract meaning and obligation to do so.3 Servers

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18 Jul 2020
@nekojanai:ma.neko.bar@nekojanai:ma.neko.bar changed their profile picture.11:53:58
26 Jul 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 nekojanai to me grammar, feminism, and NAZI'es
seem fundamentally related and intuitively to have co-affinity
"grammar-nazi" and "femi-nazi" don't seem coincidental
25 Aug 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I've almost finished another leg of the archive : )10:48:29
1 Oct 2020
@euriur:matrix.org@euriur:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:25:06
5 Oct 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Download Feed @1231507051321.html17:50:12
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥My progress archiving the twitter feed. About 17% complete with the current leg.17:57:08
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Download Untitled Document 118:01:41
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Also, another category proprietary doings.18:02:55
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Another category of proprietary doings. ^^18:03:15
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Redacted or Malformed Event18:13:01
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * My progress archiving the twitter feed. About 44% complete with the current leg.18:14:49
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Download Unformatted feed @1231507051321.txt18:17:30
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥For convenience, I leave the remaining unformatted msgs here.18:17:32
6 Oct 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Download Untitled 2.rtf16:59:43
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Final draft ^^16:59:52
22 Oct 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I have archived until the Liber Primus. Specifically 761.hex.00:12:46
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥The puzzles require rebuilding from resultant pages, since the solvers had not preserved the unsolved files..00:15:20
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I have all done so far uploaded to the Internet Archive, with URL suitably connected to the scavenger hunt.00:17:10
23 Oct 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥The "uncovering cicada" wikia updated shortly after my uploads.21:18:15
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Curious synchronicity. 21:18:23
25 Oct 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Seems I took for XOR for granted13:21:18
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Challenged to XOR a file, I discover bash lacks a scale-able XOR function. 13:22:49
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Again the Cicada challenge exposes systemic flaws in operating system design.13:24:02
12 Nov 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥More progress + interesting bread https://lainchan.org/λ/res/21812.html21:24:55
13 Nov 2020
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT joined the room.20:09:31
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITRE: The word "of" What are the languages you have at least a passing familiarity with? 20:09:58
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I wanna make sure to at some point cover each question you asked earlier. I have familiarity with Greek, Latin, French about a decade eroded. 20:10:58
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI don't necessarily mean "fluent in", I just mena ones where you know the basics of the grammar and the use. English obviously, and Esperanto. Do you know any Latin or Japanese?20:11:00
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Japanes I translated a little via wiktionary recently, but I coined "ob" long ago.20:11:51

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