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Ability to extract meaning and obligation to do so.3 Servers

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13 Nov 2020
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Mm, more like a reverse-engineering attempt in lack of a reference. 20:39:57
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * Mm, more like a reverse-engineering attempt in absence of a reference. 20:42:32
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITTrying to think of how I would say this in Lojban.20:43:32
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT Possibly lo fakli'u cu sisku tu'a lo cinki noi gasnu lo ricfoi zanzda. 20:44:08
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT"[The] explorer(s) seek [the] insect that brings about [a] forest paradise."20:47:09
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥mhm, certainly not a necessary coinage for traditional concepts but absolutely vital for information science.20:48:12
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Also very helpful in social contract theory, imo.20:49:04
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITIs that so?20:49:12
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Ob helps you to index thought generators. 20:49:46
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITWhat's a thought generator?20:50:18
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI presume something that generates thoughts, but what kind of something? What does that look like?20:51:02
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITA brain?20:51:12
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Have you encountered the book "Godel, Esher, Bach"?20:52:25
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI've heard of it.20:52:40
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITIt's about consciousness as an emergent phenomenon, right? Anthropomorphic anthills, etc.20:53:40
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT(I've never read it, I've just read abou tit.)20:53:50
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥I mean thought generator to mean a information which spontaneously generates other information.20:54:25
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * I mean thought generator to mean information which spontaneously generates other information.20:54:37
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITEaterjolly, do you read mathematics?20:55:27
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥The first instance of information in that sentence broadly refers to the objects which that information represents. 20:55:34
In reply to @vivit-r:ma.neko.bar
Eaterjolly, do you read mathematics?
Only what Cicada 3301 or memes have exposed me to.
In reply to @vivit-r:ma.neko.bar
Eaterjolly, do you read mathematics?
* Only what Cicada 3301 or viral memes have exposed me to.
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * The first instance of information in that sentence broadly includes to the objects which that information represents. 20:57:47
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 * The first instance of information in that sentence broadly includes the objects which that information represents. 20:57:51
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI'm asking because there exist certain peculiarities of language usage that mathematical writing uses to precisely express concept that vernacular struggles to discuss.20:59:33
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITI think you might find that interesting.21:01:33
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVITHave you ever heard the word "iff"?21:01:38
@vivit-r:ma.neko.barVIVIT It's a mathematical neologism. Lots of sciences coin new words, but they these all tend to be nouns and adjectives, maybe verbs. Mathematics is the only science I know of that has coined a new conjunction. 21:03:43

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