
Maratón Linuxero

1572 Members
Proyecto colaborativo de emisiones en directo a través de Software Libre https://maratonlinuxero.org39 Servers

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17 Jun 2024
@telegram_504971074:t2bot.ioTaki-kun changed their profile picture.18:28:59
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.13:52:48
19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:25:45
@telegram_415112268:t2bot.ioLinuxverso TicTac changed their display name from LPI to Linuxverso TicTac.09:51:12
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.orgThomas Hardy left the room.09:33:41
@telegram_504971074:t2bot.ioTaki-kun changed their profile picture.19:39:36
25 Jun 2024
@telmu:matrix.orgtelmu joined the room.17:44:22
30 Jun 2024
@shirlezm:matrix.orgshirlezm left the room.01:27:13
@martinik:matrix.orgmartinik joined the room.12:05:45
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:43:08
1 Jul 2024
@clonbg:matrix.orgManuel changed their display name from clonbg to Manuel.07:02:24
3 Jul 2024
@lawenforc99:matrix.orglawenforc99 joined the room.05:37:58
6 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their display name from ⚡️🐍⚡️👁⃤ - Void - n k--⃝⃤⚡️🐍⚡ to 👁⃤ - Void - n k--⃝⃤.06:45:07
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their display name from 👁⃤ - Void - n k--⃝⃤ to 👁⃤ - Void -⃝⃤.10:32:23
@hugobusta_el22:matrix.orgPerritoLinuxero changed their profile picture.20:06:04
10 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their display name from 👁⃤ - Void -⃝⃤ to Void.02:44:53
11 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their profile picture.17:16:02
12 Jul 2024
@martinik:matrix.orgmartinik left the room.03:23:42
15 Jul 2024
@telegram_27985384:t2bot.ioLikevinyl changed their profile picture.04:44:30
16 Jul 2024
@telegram_149853711:t2bot.ioCar changed their profile picture.19:33:39
17 Jul 2024
@telegram_327323091:t2bot.ioFrancisco Galaso changed their display name from Francisco Galaso (Telegram) to Francisco Galaso.15:02:48
@telegram_327323091:t2bot.ioFrancisco Galaso set a profile picture.15:02:50
18 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their display name from Void to Empty.20:11:26
20 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their display name from Empty to Cuenta eliminada.05:08:03
21 Jul 2024
@telegram_224217963:t2bot.iowitopea changed their profile picture.21:38:00
22 Jul 2024
@jackdeveloper:matrix.orgjackdeveloper joined the room.05:29:05
23 Jul 2024
@telegram_402001735:t2bot.ioCuenta eliminada changed their profile picture.04:16:54
26 Jul 2024
@telegram_280534600:t2bot.ioNoob Guy ® changed their profile picture.19:14:43
1 Apr 2018
@aledomu:matrix.org@aledomu:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".16:08:40
@aledomu:matrix.org@aledomu:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "shared" from "world_readable".16:09:20

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