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Matrix support for libpurple, Pidgin etc. | https://github.com/matrix-org/purple-matrix l purple-matrix is alpha and incomplete!10 Servers

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29 Mar 2019
@snow:cybre.spacesnow joined the room.23:06:12
@snow:cybre.spacesnowHello! I was playing with the source of purple-matrix and had a question about it. Is this an alright place to ask?23:08:58
@snow:cybre.spacesnow For more context, there's a part of the flow with matrix_api_start (I suppose more with how it's called in matrixprpl_join_chat) that confuses me. I was going to open an issue, but it's not really a bug... 23:14:34
30 Mar 2019
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org snow: any more info than that? 06:29:50
@snow:cybre.spacesnow Sorry about that! I was trying to build off this PR: https://github.com/matrix-org/purple-matrix/pull/30 and it was mentioned in the review that user_data for the bad_response_callback could be used to grab the room alias instead of trying to parse it from the error. It looks like that "user_data" is the GHashTable *components passed to matrixprpl_join_chat (if I'm wrong, this might explain things), but I get a lot of weirdness when I try to cast user_data to GHashTable*, leading me to believe it's freed before the API call completes. 06:39:31
@snow:cybre.spacesnow If it is freed (and it looks like by libpurple), I'm trying to figure out what a good way to get that room alias to the bad_response_callback function would be. I made a hack of sorts to send down a copied alias string, but that a. requires all callbacks be aware of this and free the string, and b. just feels not right, I guess? 06:43:24
@snow:cybre.spacesnow I'm still learning the flow of this plugin as I go, so I was mostly wondering if there was something obvious I was missing here. 06:44:30
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org is that in room_create_callback() ? 06:44:36
@snow:cybre.spacesnowSorry, which part?06:45:19
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org I'm trying to work out which "user_data" you're meaning 06:45:58
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org but yeah, the hash table is destroy'd after the call to join_chat by libpurple 06:46:34
@snow:cybre.spacesnow Oh! The user_data I'm mainly referring to is in room_create_callback(). 06:46:51
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org yeah ok 06:47:58
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org so the hash table is destroy'd not unref'd so you can't even ref it to keep it around 06:48:11
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org so might be better to extract the alias, g_strdup() it and then pass that as the userdata instead 06:50:32
@snow:cybre.spacesnow Alright, that makes sense then. Although to avoid a memory leak, I'd have to make a wrapper for the matrix_api_start default error_callback to free that string? I suppose it's not the worst, though. 06:53:11
@snow:cybre.spacesnowThank you!06:54:06
@EionRobb:matrix.org@EionRobb:matrix.org yeah, that's the one 06:54:27
@freenode_deerbard:matrix.orgdeerbard joined the room.08:50:05
5 Apr 2019
@un0:matrix.orgun0 joined the room.13:38:20
@freenode_Bob-:matrix.org@freenode_Bob-:matrix.org left the room.18:27:26
@freenode_bobby:matrix.org@freenode_bobby:matrix.org left the room.18:27:27
@freenode_deerbard:matrix.orgdeerbard left the room.18:27:27
12 Apr 2019
@snow:cybre.spacesnow left the room.07:22:15
17 Apr 2019
@freenode_deerbard:matrix.orgdeerbard joined the room.06:58:32
23 Apr 2019
@richvdh:matrix.orgpoorvdh banned @richvdh:matrix.allmende.io@richvdh:matrix.allmende.io (impersonation, sockpuppet, constant abusive behaviour).19:41:40
24 Apr 2019
@richvdh:matrix.orgpoorvdh banned @hawkowl:matrix.allmende.io@hawkowl:matrix.allmende.io (abuse, impersonation, ban evasion).20:28:34
@richvdh:matrix.orgpoorvdh banned @erikj:tedomum.net@erikj:tedomum.net (abuse, impersonation, ban evasion).20:49:24
30 Apr 2019
@freenode_bobby:matrix.org@freenode_bobby:matrix.org joined the room.18:10:26
1 May 2019
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewchatty tries to speak matrix?!17:46:23

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