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23 Dec 2022
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 I will check that out Lukie Kelen thanks 07:15:08
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 Since I am following Walter Russell as closely as I can, this model rather dovetails with his thinking. There are others also who have other models. The model I present is based on experiments that I did, and therefore represents experiental. Since a person can theorize anything, that will not convince me without substantial interlocking evidence. 07:20:31
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 If so far, the primal rock ideas are correct, a sort of physics side needs to complement it. If we gather that matter can be represented as particle or wave, but then..what do they do ? Back to particles again. I think...stop doing that. So EVERYTHING IS A WAVE. We will leave it this way. If this is the electric universe then I will follow electric principles. An electronic technician may use an oscilloscope to view the nature of waves. For unlike mechanical things there is no clue to human senses to troubleshoot various circuits. He must adhere to standard logic and reasoning to solve these problems. It is logical to assume the planet is hot. Volcanoes tell of great heat. Therefore the two elements of iron and Sulphur are going to mix. I shall apply a label of this mixture PRIMAL SUBSTRATE. As it is, it really doesn't do much at this point. What is needed is water 💧 07:33:38
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 I will upload later from standard chemistry textbook how Hydrogen Sulphide and Sulphur dioxide will form water. If we agree that the bacteria are hydrocarbon life forms ( clusters in iron) then Hydrogen is already there. The next step is where does O, oxygen come from. Let us first look at the atomic mass units (amu) of iron. 55.847. Now let us round to 56. And Sulphur is 32. Now suppose we divide ➗️ by 2. 56/2 = 28. And what is closest to 28. It is Silicon. And if Sulphur be 32amu /2 = 16. That is the amu of Oxygen. In the primal substrate experiment when water and tiny amount of primal bacteria added, in 3 days quartz Crystals microscopic appeared. To the electronic tech, he well knows that quartz Crystals are oscillators. Each crystal vibrating its fundamental frequency and harmonics according to its shape and size. Since black ⚫️ Betty's are in the process of winding waves into spheres of " solid " matter. We can suggest this is a mode of creating something from nothing. There is much to support this concept. 08:02:38
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 If we are on target, then we alternatively explain the Geode. A primal substrate encased in rock as it bullets from a volcanoe. The purple being excess iron as it crystallizes. 08:10:54
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 This situ is the case where oxygen is present. And now what happens if the same setup is allowed to brew in an anaerobic state. So I mixed the S and Fe in a beaker. When cool I added water and black Betty sauce. Cover with cling wrap. Room temperature 7 months. 08:15:33
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@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 Here it sat over another year. So the volatiles have evaporated. What is it. How about Crude Oil 🛢. No you say, it can't be. It was thick viscous, but when it was "done" it was more fluidic. It smelled like oil. It burned like oil. I scoped it. It had absolutely no trace of iron filings. Zero ! A slight Sulphur smell, but otherwise oil. Crude. I will redo this experiment on a larger scale. 08:27:23
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 So the implications on this one are very great. For Big oil employs the supersmart chemists that can be found in the land, and who is telling me WHAT ? What a crock! Going with our primal rock model, we can see that perhaps the Sulphur envelope could be 1000 miles thick. Iron even more and earth isn't running out of water any time too soon. That says ..ahem...that the process is continuous, and can absolutely NEVER RUN OUT. 08:34:48
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 SAFETY BULLETIN :

The chemistry that Discobeat posts is for entertainment purposes. They are real. This could create a wave of new experimenters. I therefore must do my due diligence in the name of public SAFETY.
Any person conducting any experiment, should be well aware of standard chemistry principles and practices. How textbook chemistry works before attempting to start mixing things together. If you are NEW, or YOUNG PERSON YOU NEED TO FINNISH READING THIS POST.
There are chemicals that are simply dangerous. Hydrogen Sulphide H2S is a deadly gas. Sulphur dioxide SO2 is highly toxic. Mercury is dangerous. I have witnessed 3 local people who got Cancer because they wanted the fine Gold. Within 5 years they were dead.
Chlorine, Bromine are 2 more that are dangerous. There is a long list of toxins that can be learned with standard chemistry. I urge you to study this first and understand it.
I Discobeat; do not accept any responsibility for any ill effect conducted by another person. They do so, of their own freewill.
That said, there are basic guidelines to follow. There is little to none, information on end results when mixing MICROBES WITH CHEMICALS. This includes metals, minerals, or otherwise mainstream chemistry with live microbes. THE RESULTS ARE UNPREDICTABLE! ! As such a person needs to prepare to abort the experiment, with how this concoction gone wrong will be safely disposed. How to neutralize.
Natural Chemistry is a lot of fun, yet it is necessary to make clear what is predictably safe and what is probably not safe. To culture or clone or otherwise experiment with pathogens is ILLEGAL, WRONG and STRICTLY PROHIBITED 🚫. It happened once in an unexpected result in which millions of razor sharp microscopic javelins were produced along with mercaptans. (A gas smell so bad, knock you out)
This is why I first deal in very small amounts, so in that case bleach killed it.
Anyone attempting experiments does so at their own risk.
24 Dec 2022
@_discord_370792438408675334:t2bot.iowhitewaterbug joined the room.18:20:50
25 Dec 2022
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie interesting 07:31:11
26 Dec 2022
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their profile picture.19:48:47
28 Dec 2022
@_discord_370792438408675334:t2bot.iowhitewaterbug changed their display name from whitewaterbug to whitewaterbug#4200.07:22:26
@_discord_370792438408675334:t2bot.iowhitewaterbug changed their display name from whitewaterbug#4200 to whitewaterbug.07:22:36
@_discord_668541577307619359:t2bot.ioiamdionterobison joined the room.21:00:55
30 Dec 2022
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@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 The highlight shows how water can be created with Hydrogen Sulphide and Oxygen. The big question is HOW do you get Oxygen.
In the framework model, everything is a wave. It's frequency is divided by 2 and therefore it's mass. 32 / 2 = 16. That is a little further down the road. But from the textbook we see that Sulphur compounds are present in petroleum and natural gas. That's a clue.
3 Jan 2023
@_discord_149359821307641856:t2bot.ionot_unoriginal joined the room.08:52:08
@_discord_723523835541848064:t2bot.ioweseeclearly | UTC+2 changed their display name from weseeclearly | UTC+1 to weseeclearly | UTC+2#5845.16:19:15
@_discord_723523835541848064:t2bot.ioweseeclearly | UTC+2 changed their profile picture.16:19:47
@_discord_723523835541848064:t2bot.ioweseeclearly | UTC+2 changed their display name from weseeclearly | UTC+2#5845 to weseeclearly | UTC+2.16:20:15
4 Jan 2023
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their profile picture.16:12:21
5 Jan 2023
@_discord_650721001654452286:t2bot.iotechno joined the room.00:47:26
6 Jan 2023
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza joined the room.00:39:48
7 Jan 2023
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 Since everything is represented as a wave in WAVE-FUNTION KINEMATICS then problems are easier to solve. 23:13:23
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 When pondering atmosphere, it seems self evident that Oxygen Nitrogen ratios are keeping themselves balanced. It very strongly suggests that there is a feedback mechanism. Theory only: In mid summer when sun is high, we witness massive evaporation. We check doppler radar maps and it seems that this ocean above our heads is unaccounted for. 23:19:01
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 Suppose then high energy sun Flux were able to change spin on Hydrogen. Thus putting the molecular mass in subtractive mode. These 2H to subtract from O 16. Which yields 14. 14 is Nitrogen which is high vibratory rate pseudo-atom. It is less dense than the bulk of the air mass, therefore in hiding. Doppler unable to see it and unaffecting the bulk air mass. 23:25:11
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 And perhaps the high vibratory rate of Nitrogen (accelerator in explosives) blocks 🚫 further radiation that caused it in the first place. 23:27:06
8 Jan 2023
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from edy to yummy_pizza#8506.03:43:53

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