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8 Jan 2023
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their profile picture.03:44:09
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from yummy_pizza#8506 to yummy_pizza.03:44:23
@_discord_806412318446583859:t2bot.ioTheOne joined the room.21:09:50
@_discord_947931226155667506:t2bot.iococos11 joined the room.22:59:32
12 Jan 2023
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their profile picture.20:02:30
22 Jan 2023
@_discord_799321660645179433:t2bot.ioDeprixion changed their display name from Deprixion to Deprixion#2035.18:42:08
@_discord_799321660645179433:t2bot.ioDeprixion changed their display name from Deprixion#2035 to Deprixion.18:42:26
@_discord_799321660645179433:t2bot.ioDeprixion wow! :heart_eyes: join and check it!!
@everyone @here
@_discord_799321660645179433:t2bot.ioDeprixion wow! :heart_eyes: join and check it!!
@everyone @here
26 Jan 2023
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from yummy_pizza to mrheckerman#8506.05:37:30
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their profile picture.05:37:50
@_discord_725113695121702946:t2bot.ioyummy_pizza changed their display name from mrheckerman#8506 to mrheckerman.05:38:00
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.10:10:44
1 Feb 2023
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 This is perhaps the most powerful photo set I ever took. The experiment was ' just cuz ' a total fluke. It took me several weeks of 'brain bashing' to figure out what is going on here. Conducted about 2012.
I had made an observation that plant roots were converting Arsenopyrite into Iron oxide. It was this attempted mimic that started this.
Download 20220725_175017.jpg
Download 20220725_174955.jpg
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 At the core is a 'Betty pod'. These torroidal rings are pure gold. I mimicked pseudo frag to synthesize the real stuff. Either the ring is formed on S 32 expressed or the ring of a Saturn pod. The pic clearly shows cone shaped iron oxide particles as the memory for gold's wave function. Q- balls are manufactured but kicked out. (Quartz cells). The upper pic caught in the act of creation before it metabolizes into 'solid' matter. It is at this point where I disagree with Walter Russell. 20:45:26
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 In all experiments, never has inert gas been present. I have learned by experiment and observations that memory constitutes iron oxide, Quartz in living state, water. So far these are the only memory products that I've encountered. 20:49:12
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 Whether Gold, Platinum, or anything else, There is ONLY the wave-function expressed that constitutes matter. For our senses lie to us. There was a couple more demo's of this concept that demonstrate our fooled reality. One of the first experiments showing a holographic field of a Quartz crystal before it materialized, and a tiny microorganism that was responsible for creating a plant like fibre. For in a clear tube as a slug trail was inside equidistantly spaced nano-bacteria and at the other end was 'solid' fibre. 20:58:22
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 I am nearing the end of posts of 12 years of experiments. Be it known that only successes have been posted. For there were a greater number of failures. 21:00:50
2 Feb 2023
@_discord_586976948127793255:t2bot.io_accele_#0 changed their display name from accele to accele#7452.17:59:26
5 Feb 2023
@_discord_280400554482597898:t2bot.io𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100 changed their display name from Walmart to 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100.07:48:34
@_discord_280400554482597898:t2bot.io𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟#4100 changed their profile picture.07:48:50
8 Feb 2023
@tamyrex69:matrix.org@tamyrex69:matrix.org joined the room.06:35:17
@tamyrex69:matrix.org@tamyrex69:matrix.org left the room.06:45:02
9 Feb 2023
@_discord_1034856923306147900:t2bot.ioMcBeth joined the room.03:52:28
@_discord_193960161923039232:t2bot.iohpfan592 joined the room.07:12:32
12 Feb 2023
@saysaywhat:matrix.orgsaysaywhat joined the room.13:40:41
15 Feb 2023
@_discord_914646955739734026:t2bot.io50 joined the room.01:20:38
23 Feb 2023
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 The previous micrographs were based upon an experiment that began as a nature observation 🤔
At some point, I will get a picture of what is happening. At this point in Winter, everything is covered in snow. In older days, where environmental concerns were minimal, the operating gold mine was extracting gold from Arsenopyrite. This mineral was pulverized and put into tanks with Sodium Cyanide which dissolved the gold. The Cyanide was neutralized and the finely ground Arsenopyrite Cat pushed into a river. In our local summer swimming hole, this Arsenopyrite layer can be seen. Weeds have grown and the roots have penetrated this layer. Why is this important? Because the mineral surrounding said roots is iron oxide. How could this be?

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