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10 Apr 2024
@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipVery personalized but i guess thats a way of describing your system13:26:10
@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xip* Gnu/xdg/gnome/wayland/fish/flatpak/dnf/nvim/linux13:27:17
@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipWait no...13:27:36
In reply to @pixl_xip:matrix.org
wayland redundant, gnome redundant, flattpack redundant, dnf redundant, gnu redundant
In reply to @pixl_xip:matrix.org
In reply to @clovius:pancrypticon.net
wayland redundant, gnome redundant, flattpack redundant, dnf redundant, gnu redundant
In reply to@pixl_xip:matrix.org
'gnu and linux are components of the systemd operating system'
In reply to@clovius:pancrypticon.net
wayland redundant, gnome redundant, flattpack redundant, dnf redundant, gnu redundant
gnu redundant
preposterous, how can you build software without gnu make?
In reply to@pixl_xip:matrix.org
@zlago:matrix.orgsylvie* gnu/xdg/x11/arch btw/linux19:56:55
@zlago:matrix.orgsylviei think19:57:01
In reply to @zlago:matrix.org
gnu redundant
preposterous, how can you build software without gnu make?
11 Apr 2024
@clovius:pancrypticon.net@clovius:pancrypticon.netmmm the incompetent people from cybersecurity chat flogged them for logic and mac lsm buzz.10:28:12
@threadpanic:matrix.orgthreadpanicgnu make, autotools, they have long been a standard, and are still essential.. Just install Linux From Scratch, and you'll know the value of gnu software. But lately building native c/c++, It's more cmake and ninja that are a bit more modern. I find them marginally better btw. So I'm mosly ditching c/c++ as too troublesome and learning Rust <312:43:16
In reply to @threadpanic:matrix.org
gnu make, autotools, they have long been a standard, and are still essential.. Just install Linux From Scratch, and you'll know the value of gnu software. But lately building native c/c++, It's more cmake and ninja that are a bit more modern. I find them marginally better btw.
So I'm mosly ditching c/c++ as too troublesome and learning Rust <3
It's bad enough that such standards.
@threadpanic:matrix.orgthreadpanicThe standards are fine, c++ is a nice language, but the tooling is horrible, in the age of gradle, Cargo, npm, all these additional problems like vcpkg, boost, and indeed a relic like 'make' are still a thing. And these problems don't go away by switching to cmake or meson/ninja18:42:58
15 Apr 2024
@shenzero123:matrix.orgPhong69 joined the room.20:01:50
18 Apr 2024
In reply to@threadpanic:matrix.org
The standards are fine, c++ is a nice language, but the tooling is horrible, in the age of gradle, Cargo, npm, all these additional problems like vcpkg, boost, and indeed a relic like 'make' are still a thing. And these problems don't go away by switching to cmake or meson/ninja
i like make, i just wish i could refer to specific dependencies and specific targets, and that the text substitution was a bit more powerful
@eirequie:matrix.orgeirequie joined the room.19:51:20
@eirequie:matrix.orgeirequieThis platform kinda confusing19:54:25
19 Apr 2024
@threadpanic:matrix.orgthreadpanicRedacted or Malformed Event13:42:12
20 Apr 2024
@fomosapien:matrix.orgTriskelion joined the room.10:04:45
23 Apr 2024
@threadpanic:matrix.orgthreadpanicOone thing bothers me about the firefox source, and that is that the UI is all written in xhtml,css,jsm and all that. the browser is something fundamentally different than the browser content. I'm sure that a decent modern fast UI toolkit API would clean up a lot of code there. The whole Mozilla UI stuff is written in a way that is utterly incomprehensible compared to something simple like gnome or gtk, kde :/18:33:11
@threadpanic:matrix.orgthreadpanic * One thing bothers me about the firefox source, and that is that the UI is all written in xhtml,css,jsm and all that. the browser is something fundamentally different than the browser content. I'm sure that a decent modern fast UI toolkit API would clean up a lot of code there. The whole Mozilla UI stuff is written in a way that is utterly incomprehensible compared to something simple like gnome or gtk, kde :/18:33:21
25 Apr 2024
@clort:matrix.orgclort open source projects that are too vast and obfusticated, defeat the auditabilty utility of FOSS. It is an attack. 04:30:55
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenighthawk changed their profile picture.20:15:17

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