
Free Stuff

1 Members
Free stuff from around the internet.1 Servers

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21 Nov 2017
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".16:37:17
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org changed the join rule to "public" from "invite".16:37:17
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.16:37:17
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.16:41:05
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org set the room topic to "Some free stuff I found and though I should tell others.".16:41:05
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org The Humble Store is giving away the game Brütal Legend for free dureing 48 hours. 16:47:35
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.orgThis is the store link: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/brutal-legend16:48:00
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.org@MateusRodCosta:matrix.orgHere is the trailer they are showing: https://youtu.be/DkA3uZ4225w16:51:34

The Humble Store is giving away the game Brütal Legend for free dureing 48 hours.



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