3 Dec 2023 |
| zintule | 03:12:24 |
| nicu7s | 20:31:39 |
| nonfungible. | 20:36:40 |
4 Dec 2023 |
| genznodes | 07:58:03 |
| ryushiba | 08:53:38 |
| emon_hasan | 13:13:47 |
| starttothemoon joined the room. | 14:31:46 |
| starttothemoon | 14:32:16 |
| upleaj joined the room. | 14:42:18 |
| upleaj | 14:44:10 |
5 Dec 2023 |
| monafayola | 01:58:10 |
| gopalsaha7 | 06:48:37 |
| 1trunek | 07:08:34 |
| wsam wsam top joined the room. | 11:07:13 |
| huyenkul_crypto | 11:40:22 |
| salaamun | 11:44:35 |
| onedayhib | 19:01:04 |
| ehizzy22 | 23:57:23 |
6 Dec 2023 |
| diddylove1 | 00:16:05 |
| kizumichan_68391 | 01:23:52 |
| worm.queen joined the room. | 15:06:16 |
| worm.queen changed their display name from wormie to worm.queen. | 16:21:23 |
7 Dec 2023 |
John | Source | Testnet Validator Resources | 05:12:24 |
| John | Source | 05:12:25 |
| lams2loan | 07:24:05 |
| koulsuperman | 07:54:58 |
| sorinmarley | 07:56:56 |
| starttothemoon | 08:07:53 |
| upleaj | 08:12:36 |
| big_smoce joined the room. | 08:27:22 |