26 Nov 2023 |
| .x01z joined the room. | 00:55:21 |
| kaisen6724 joined the room. | 00:55:22 |
| ahmadsukandar | 00:56:15 |
| kun1992 joined the room. | 00:56:42 |
| salmafaz joined the room. | 00:58:11 |
| thanhvt794 joined the room. | 00:59:48 |
| ducle3945 joined the room. | 01:00:25 |
| thanhvt794 | 01:00:52 |
| ducle3945 | 01:01:01 |
| gidyzaar joined the room. | 01:01:02 |
| alfonso_djmc joined the room. | 01:03:23 |
| 0xrezty joined the room. | 01:03:29 |
| andika5143 joined the room. | 01:04:35 |
| abrahanlouis joined the room. | 01:05:28 |
| owgwennn joined the room. | 01:05:56 |
| theinforer | 01:07:20 |
| daddysafe set a profile picture. | 01:08:22 |
| zintule joined the room. | 01:09:58 |
| aurelia.putri joined the room. | 01:10:26 |
| zintule | 01:11:05 |
| nadiasu joined the room. | 01:11:08 |
| cicitz joined the room. | 01:11:52 |
| tranngoctrongabc joined the room. | 01:11:54 |
| blacktea joined the room. | 01:12:58 |
| blacktea | 01:17:56 |
| 0xrischan joined the room. | 01:18:08 |
| baaggool joined the room. | 01:18:16 |
| ninerikks joined the room. | 01:18:36 |
| ninerikks | 01:18:40 |
| baaggool | 01:22:38 |