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11 Jan 2024
@_discord_182284106300784641:t2bot.iosubsonicbeatz154 Valve asked for it to be taken down out of concern of being contacted by Nintendo. 14:50:11
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training What really? 14:52:14
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Was it portal on an N64, or just Portal styled like an N64 game? 14:52:31
@_discord_865307492641013790:t2bot.ioThe Ethereal One the first 14:53:44
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp yea, former, entirely on the n64... wtf valve 14:57:57
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp heard they also cancelled the source 2 fan port of tf2 14:58:13
@_discord_865307492641013790:t2bot.ioThe Ethereal One it's weird because it was a sweep of github repos, I hope it was a mistake from a new firm 15:05:50
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss it wasnt a dmca 15:09:22
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp reading, some say it's due to some developer code things from nintendo mixed with valve's ip being thrown into the mix 15:09:38
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss from what i could find, valve contacted the portal 64 dev directly 15:09:48
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss no legal action 15:09:52
@_discord_720159784665612360:t2bot.ioanjacup14 Yeah people and news sites are throwing out the term DMCA like party favours 15:10:06
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss there was a tf2 remake project that just got dmca'd though, i think 15:10:08
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp in s&box, the source 2 platform thing from garry newman 15:11:09
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss theres more precedent for the portal 64 one than for the tf2 one 15:11:26
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss valve seems to want to steer clear of nintendo at all costs 15:11:39
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp also, tyler mcvicker mentioned another project? something about a game that youtubers talked about, and got copyright strikes over? 15:11:56
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss i didnt see anything about this when i was just looking into the portal64 thing 15:12:37
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss is it a much older thing? 15:12:45
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp no clue, he said he was working on a video about it, then had to cancel it when he saw others get straight up strikes for it 15:14:43
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss as much good as valve does with steam, they treat their IPs fairly horribly 15:14:56
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp just look at tf2 15:15:06
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp also comments mentioned tf2 classic and opentf2, which got told to stop for reverse engineering and using leaked code 15:16:29
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss ah 15:16:38
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp might be the redistribution of assets and usage of a valve ip without being a mod or so 15:16:45
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss maybe the source code leak is the difference? 15:16:53
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp it was open source, the source 2 port, so no clue there 15:17:17
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss maybe they found proof of using the leak 15:17:31
@_discord_163774782406393856:t2bot.ioentiss all it would take is one developer doing it 15:17:43
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp garry's mod inherently had to use half life 2 as a base due to being a mod, and it got allowed into steam 15:17:51

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