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17 May 2024
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch idk, personally I'd try if steamvr_lh is this bad too, build a faraday cage around the motor, and post in the libsurvive discord to see if the experts have some tips 15:25:17
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch maybe try a smartphone sensor test app to see if smartphone imus are affected too? 15:26:30
Download image.png
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch I mean this line is gravity, right? and if it's not pointing up, the thing is either physically thrown around too fast to determine gravity, or the whole accelerometer is confused. 15:31:11
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan If you have a strong magnet, bring that near the headset and see if the same thing happens 15:40:55
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan otherwise, interference sounds plausible 15:41:06
18 May 2024
@_discord_1076494013273739315:t2bot.iometakatja changed their display name from Katja to metakatja.07:50:16
24 May 2024
@_discord_133551488676003840:t2bot.iomonad-creature changed their display name from Koolala to monad-creature.11:11:55
28 May 2024
@_discord_632255069441753118:t2bot.iogeroldviolenceblemson changed their display name from Gerold Violence Blemson to geroldviolenceblemson.00:49:34
30 May 2024
@_discord_1052265395760926801:t2bot.iosvillar 13:04:02
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_178281289995124739:t2bot.iohare_ware changed their profile picture.04:20:00
3 Jun 2024
@_discord_747039598110048297:t2bot.iozappar_simon No, Monado doesn't support 6-DoF on Android currently. 14:33:22
18 Jun 2024
@haagch:matrix.orghaagch!discord bridge 556527313823596604 68479589007805648511:12:45
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord BridgeI'm asking permission from the guild administrators to make this bridge.11:12:48
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

I have bridged this room to your channel

@haagch:matrix.orghaagchRedacted or Malformed Event11:13:09
19 Jun 2024
@_discord_309194468052172802:t2bot.ioeuphoric.cat changed their profile picture.09:39:40
30 Jun 2024
@_discord_674043414517645312:t2bot.ioridge_xr changed their profile picture.09:28:37
20 Jul 2024
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan hey, i'm looking for ideas. I want to handle the case of runtimes which only support XR_EXT_hand_tracking and don't support any of the hand tracking based interaction profiles or any other extension that extends XR_EXT_hand_tracking.

I'm trying to derive an aim pose and approximate how the quest runtime spits out aim poses for it's support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim & XR_MSFT_hand_interaction (it's the same pose for both).

With those exts on quest runtime, it kind of looks the aim direction is the z-axis of the wrist pose with rotational offset around the wrist joint's x-axis.

I've tried to do a simillar thing (ignoring the rotational offset for now) but the joints are quite jittery (only testing with high-freq mode tracking on) to jittery for aiming at ui and pinch clicking, I've used a 1€ filter it helps but the amount smoothing required to get to the point of good aim & pinching click adds way to much latency for general movements.
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * hey, i'm looking for ideas. I want to handle the case of runtimes which only support XR_EXT_hand_tracking and don't support any of the hand tracking based interaction profiles or any other extension that extends XR_EXT_hand_tracking.

I'm trying to derive an aim pose and approximate how the quest runtime spits out aim poses for it's support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim & XR_MSFT_hand_interaction (it's the same pose for both).

With those exts on quest runtime, it kind of looks the aim direction is the z-axis of the wrist pose with rotational offset around the wrist joint's x-axis.

I've tried to do a simillar thing (ignoring the rotational offset for now) but the joints are quite jittery (only testing with high-freq mode tracking on) to jittery aiming at ui and pinch clicking, I've used a 1€ filter it helps but the amount smoothing required to get to the point of good aim & pinching click adds way to much latency for general movements.
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * hey, i'm looking for ideas. I want to handle the case of runtimes which only support XR_EXT_hand_tracking and don't support any of the hand tracking based interaction profiles or any other extension that extends XR_EXT_hand_tracking.

I'm trying to derive an aim pose and approximate how the quest runtime spits out aim poses for it's support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim & XR_MSFT_hand_interaction (it's the same pose for both).

With those exts on quest runtime, it kind of looks the aim direction is the z-axis of the wrist pose with rotational offset around the wrist joint's x-axis.

I've tried to do a simillar thing (ignoring the rotational offset for now) but the joints are quite jittery (only testing with high-freq mode tracking on) for ui and pinch clicking, I've used a 1€ filter it helps but the amount smoothing required to get to the point of good aim & pinching click adds way to much latency for general movements.
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * hey, i'm looking for ideas. I want to handle the case of runtimes which only support XR_EXT_hand_tracking and don't support any of the hand tracking based interaction profiles or any other extension that extends XR_EXT_hand_tracking.

I'm trying to derive an aim pose and approximate how the quest runtime spits out aim poses for it's support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim & XR_MSFT_hand_interaction (it's the same pose for both).

With those exts on quest runtime, it kind of looks the aim direction is the z-axis of the wrist pose with rotational offset around the wrist joint's x-axis.

I've tried to do a simillar thing (ignoring the rotational offset for now) but the joints are quite jittery (only testing with high-freq mode tracking on) for ui and pinch clicking, I've used a 1€ filter it helps but the amount smoothing required to get to the point of good aim & pinch clicking adds way to much latency for general movements.
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * hey, i'm looking for ideas. I want to handle the case of runtimes which only support XR_EXT_hand_tracking and don't support any of the hand tracking based interaction profiles or any other extension that extends XR_EXT_hand_tracking.

I'm trying to derive an aim pose and approximate how the quest runtime spits out aim poses for it's support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim & XR_MSFT_hand_interaction (it's the same aim pose for both).

With those exts on quest runtime, it kind of looks the aim direction is the z-axis of the wrist pose with rotational offset around the wrist joint's x-axis.

I've tried to do a simillar thing (ignoring the rotational offset for now) but the joints are quite jittery (only testing with high-freq mode tracking on) for ui and pinch clicking, I've used a 1€ filter it helps but the amount smoothing required to get to the point of good aim & pinch clicking adds way to much latency for general movements.
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz Don't we have a controller emulator based in hands in Monado? 13:20:42
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan ah i didn't know we had that, it's setup for the simple_controller profile. I see there's a comment ref to stereokit I was just thinking about look into that. Thanks for the tip I'll probably try this out tomorrow 14:24:30
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * ah i didn't know we had that, it's setup for the simple_controller profile. I see there's a comment ref to stereokit I was just thinking about looking into that. Thanks for the tip I'll probably try this out tomorrow 14:24:44
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz I think Quest (at least used to) and the Monado one works the same, shooting a ray starting at the "shoulder" through some part of the hand. 14:25:42
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.iobornecrantz * I think Quest (at least used to) and the Monado one works the same with regards to aim, shooting a ray starting at the "shoulder" through some part of the hand. 14:25:55
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan yeah it reminds me of something i did sometime ago for custom openvr driver, using body proportion averages xD 14:27:12
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * yeah it reminds me of something i did sometime ago for a custom openvr driver, using body proportion averages xD 14:27:21

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