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14 Sep 2024
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I see!19:44:38
@joebonrichie:matrix.orgJoey Richeshttps://youtu.be/Llh4_h-vvKQ20:22:48
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1TIL: there is a GEOGUESSR WORLD CUP21:52:27
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I remember Josh playing it while updating Gnome21:53:17
Download 1000019593.jpg
@16characterswork:matrix.org16charactersworkMy trip from New Hampshire 22:00:38
Download 1000019618.jpg
@16characterswork:matrix.org16charactersworkAnd Maine 22:00:43
Download 1000019624.jpg
Download 1000019625.jpg
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1oh, you finally left Fiji? :D22:13:05
15 Sep 2024
@feroxfc:matrix.orgFerox joined the room.05:50:18
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1Who else noticed pink gradient in youtube player progress bar? ;)11:23:52
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Laptopwise, how often do you need to disassemble and clean the fan to get temperature down? I am around 15% CPU and CPU temperature is like 56 degtr13:23:31
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)degree. If I clean fan it will drop down to 40. But some months later it is back to 6013:24:15
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I cleaned my not often, mostly when I needed to upgrade something :D13:41:30
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)You noticed this overview flickering iin Cosmic seems to be resolved ?!13:43:18
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Most annoying thing for me right now is that alt-tab still doesn't work properly to switch between two apps.13:44:24
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)What I lke most is the launchers current running apps list for switching between apps. (The only thing I am actually missing in GNOME)13:46:18
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I haven't tested overview lately13:53:37
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I am waiting tasklist applet and workspace switcher applet with apps indicators13:55:49
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1The best thin is launcher with Super key as don't like huge apps menu and refuse to use it13:58:25
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 * 13:59:22
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 * 13:59:52
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 * 14:01:44
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1What the hell, can't edit my post on elementx :/14:03:41
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1And now it's edited but with a long delay14:04:54

I have a question regarding Secureboot.
How is it handled (if at all) on Solus?

Since at 3mdeb's last vPub (online conference), the whole situation with Microsoft's signing keys was brought up (which makes sense, we were talking about Dasharo's recent updates).



See also the bottom section regarding current limitation when it comes to the certificate


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