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16 Sep 2024
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit Ah, I see what you mean 17:03:14
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5In any case, these drives are going to go through more hammering then I would put a standard flash drive or pSSD, even if infrequently.17:03:17
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5* In any case, these drives are going to go through more hammering then I would put a standard flash drive or pSSD through, even if infrequently.17:03:32
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5But for my next laptop (the Thinkpad), I'll be using a 1TB Samsung 970 PRO.17:04:26
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5And my desktop... Once I have the budget, I'll probably try getting a Seagate FireCuda or one of Micron's datacenter SSDs.17:06:12
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5Matrix is bugged for me again.17:07:31
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a BitHonestly I think RAID 1 is better value for desktop use than an expensive ssd.17:07:37
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit
In reply to@moriel5:matrix.org
Matrix is bugged for me again.
me too 😅
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit* Honestly I think RAID 1 is better value for desktop use than an datacenter ssd.17:08:30
In reply to @arcushing:matrix.org
Honestly I think RAID 1 is better value for desktop use than an expensive ssd.
That is also part of the plan (though I intend to have it with three drives, so that I could hotswap).
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5But yeah, endurance is important for me.17:09:03

And I need things to be working, as I am not only using my PC for myself, but also for others (I'm a technician, after all).

Which reminds me, I need to find time to try getting hardware passthrough working again (if I could set up a system with a stripped down Linux distro as the host, and a slightly trimmed Windows as the guest, it could seriously help make troubleshooting on customers' PCs easier for me).

Proper SR-IoV support should have already arrived a decade ago.

@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5I also know a few nonprofits here that are eligible for discounted LTSC licenses that if I had such a solution ready, with as much of it automated as possible, it could seriously help them.17:19:08
@moriel5:matrix.orgmoriel5* I also know a few nonprofits here that are eligible for discounted LTSC licenses, that if I had such a solution ready, with as much of it automated as possible, it could seriously help them.17:19:21

This is unfortunate.
It looks like Mozilla have disabled autoscroll on Linux builds of Firefox 130 (or was the setting reset for some odd reason?).

Thankfully it can be easily re-enabled.

@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyPretty sure autoscroll was never enabled by default18:03:02
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid Harderyou can trigger it with middle mouse18:04:11
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeynot with default settings, surely?18:04:27
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid Harderon this windows machine with 130 you can. It's not a setting I would have changed18:05:11
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyWe're talking Linux here, buddy!18:05:30
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid Harderwat? is that illegal?18:05:36
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid Harderweeewooweewooo 🚨18:06:01
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyAutoscroll is disabled on Linux because middle-click paste is enabled18:06:07
In reply to @staudey:matrix.org
Pretty sure autoscroll was never enabled by default
I forget, however given as it is one of the first settings I enable (of not already enabled), it is strange if it was reset with the latest update.
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyagain, by default18:06:15
In reply to @moriel5:matrix.org
I forget, however given as it is one of the first settings I enable (of not already enabled), it is strange if it was reset with the latest update.
Solus Firefox tends to rejigger the settings every once in a while for some reason. At least when it comes to languages.
In reply to @staudey:matrix.org
Autoscroll is disabled on Linux because middle-click paste is enabled
Ah, I completely forgot about that, though it still is strange that it was reset.

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