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13 Sep 2024
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyElement likes to pull that prank from time to time23:28:16
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyI keep getting notifications for messages in the "GNOME Hackers" room that seemingly don't exist23:28:46
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1GNOME Hackers hacked you!23:29:31
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyone of them said "Sorry, I didn't see your message because of a Matrix issue" or sth ^^23:29:39
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1and stole your avatar!23:29:58
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyI need a fucking big question mark emoji as one of the reactions on the forums, or a raised eyebrow emoji23:33:35
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1yea, more emoji reactions!23:36:42
14 Sep 2024
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1what the hell is happening?01:38:11
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1new word of the day: swatting01:43:02

If the personal address of a streamer is publicly known, then there is a considerable chance malicious people try to swat them. Risk increases with viewership, which makes this instance rather rare. They call or email the local police department there and paint some urgent emergency, either the streamer has "taken a hostage", committed violence or whatever other serious crime thats necessery to provoke a response by the special commando of the police. In the USA thats often SWAT, which is where the name comes from. In Germany(like the video) the SEK would be the group to respond. Large streamers try their utmost to keep their location private, but most also have proactive contact with their local law enforcement, warning them about potential swatting attempts.

@helium1:matrix.orghelium1tried this YT app today02:54:31
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1it uses piped instances. It plays videos but with low resolution and no settings to change resolution 🀷02:55:39
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I wish the project was on github, don't want to bother open issue/FR on gitlub..02:57:16
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 * I wish the project was on github, don't want to bother open issue/FR on gitlab..02:57:56
In reply to @helium1:matrix.org

This happened after RenΓ© was overly critical of the Rust kernel developers in a recent stream. A lot of commenters on YouTube are speculating that it was someone from the Rust community.

Lol, wild theory

@theunclemez:matrix.orgThe Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬Hello evryone13:11:25
@theunclemez:matrix.orgThe Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¬hope y'all having a nice weekend13:11:32
Download 1000019565.jpg
@joebonrichie:matrix.orgJoey Riches joined the room.15:59:39
@joebonrichie:matrix.orgJoey Richesimage.png
Download image.png
@joebonrichie:matrix.orgJoey Richeswtf15:59:59
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 I wonder why you have a single a folder in path? πŸ€” 19:42:24
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1or maybe it's a prompt that shortened folders19:43:13
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeythat's the structure of the Solus packages repo19:44:04
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeypackages/[a-z, py]/package-name/19:44:27

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