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19 Sep 2024
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyWell, if Solus didn't require it for mission-critical tooling it would've gotten rid of Python2 a long time ago. So Solus wins!09:59:59
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarveyWe would be in the same place as them. Gimp supposedly needs it.10:02:43
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyDeprecate gimp, easy10:07:16
@quiloa_rebolo:matrix.orgQuiloa Rebolo joined the room.12:03:12
@livingsilver94:matrix.orgFabio Forni changed their display name from livingsilver94 to Fabio Forni.12:31:31
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly Brogan
In reply to @kaktuspalme:matrix.org
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484992 <-- it's exactly that, though I have it with ctrl key.
I guess I will see if it's fixed with 6.2.0.
I guess with wayland you never run out of strange behaviour :D
We have a repo for the 6.2 beta if you want to try it
In reply to @reillybrogan:matrix.org
We have a repo for the 6.2 beta if you want to try it
Sounds good, unstable? or you have another repo?
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganYou do need to be on unstable first of all, and then you add a second repo that contains just the Plasma 6.2 packages16:01:48
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganIf you join the packaging channel I'll link you the instructions16:02:25
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCThanks for helping to test :)16:17:20
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly Brogan https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_6 16:20:13
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganHere's the schedule for Plasma so you know when this will be stable and whatnot. I'll be keeping the beta repo updated as new versions are released, and usually I target x.x.2 for landing a new major Plasma version in stable16:21:14
In reply to @reillybrogan:matrix.org
Here's the schedule for Plasma so you know when this will be stable and whatnot. I'll be keeping the beta repo updated as new versions are released, and usually I target x.x.2 for landing a new major Plasma version in stable
Thanks, already looked it up, the stable release is not too far ahead
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganOh, since you switched to unstable you also get the updated KDE Gear 24.08 and KDE Frameworks 6.6 a day early16:22:03
@kaktuspalme:matrix.orgkaktuspalmeWhat I wonder the most is wether my plasmashell will stop crashing :D I still have the problem that it often crashes when the external monitor is sent sleep. But I will see that in the upcoming days.16:23:39
@kaktuspalme:matrix.orgkaktuspalmeAnd occasionally I had copy and paste problems.16:24:32
@kaktuspalme:matrix.orgkaktuspalmeBut so far I was always too lazy to check wether there's a bug report already16:24:48
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCThere has been some focused attention on multi-display setups lately, and related fixes. There have been quite a number of bug reports related to multi-display issues16:25:32
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyhttps://github.com/rspeer/wordfreq/blob/master/SUNSET.md This is why we can't have nice things!17:12:24
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCThe enshittification of social media. RIP17:14:12
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Failing to upgrade my Fedora install to 41 beta because I am running in all sorts of conflicts that I can't resolve.19:38:34
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Other distros just suck when it comes to dist-upgrades.19:38:59
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1Fedora upgrades are kinda annoying19:41:53
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I haven't had any problems with my fedora server yet19:42:51
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Well, I only upgraded once, from 39 to 40, 6 month ago. And that went rather smooth. But for know, I am stuck.19:43:34
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I have upgraded several times19:46:44
20 Sep 2024
@banger696:matrix.orgBanger696 joined the room.00:15:09
@banger696:matrix.orgBanger696It's update day, yay 😀00:15:48

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