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17 Sep 2024
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1and salami!22:19:50
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeywell, the salami is all gone either way22:20:11
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusany knows app for iptv?23:13:51
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusfirst of all , good night for everyone haha23:13:59
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1there is one app in the repo - TV-Lite23:42:53
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I never tried it23:43:05
In reply to @helium1:matrix.org
there is one app in the repo - TV-Lite
dont work for me
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1try searching on flathub23:44:31
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit
In reply to@helium1:matrix.org
I guess they didn't like my replies
They didn’t like mine either 😢
18 Sep 2024
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit
In reply to@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.org
I mean not that wrong, but why Lisa thinks Arch is worth your time is beyond me
@kaktuspalme:matrix.orgkaktuspalmeHas anyone ever experienced that. You do ctrl + c in one window, then move to the next window and it sometime put's in a c. ctrl +c is just one example any key together with control. I noticed since Plasma 6 on wayland, I sometimes randomly have a single character somewhere in my code. It's hard to reproduce. It's the first time I was seeing it live, switched window (didn't have my hands on the keyboard), character was inserted like half a second after switching the window. The text from the other window was still in the clipboard.05:45:27
In reply to @luizmatheus:matrix.org
dont work for me
What is not working? I'm the maintainer for it so curious.
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusi cant , use my login and pass for acess iptv private11:54:27
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusdont worry the program is ok , 11:54:40
In reply to @kaktuspalme:matrix.org
Has anyone ever experienced that. You do ctrl + c in one window, then move to the next window and it sometime put's in a c. ctrl +c is just one example any key together with control.

I noticed since Plasma 6 on wayland, I sometimes randomly have a single character somewhere in my code. It's hard to reproduce. It's the first time I was seeing it live, switched window (didn't have my hands on the keyboard), character was inserted like half a second after switching the window.

The text from the other window was still in the clipboard.
To add to that, I recently switched the keyboard (not because of that), had it before and after. Also when working not docket with the laptop keyboard this happens. So for sure not a hardware problem.
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCI'm pretty sure there's a bugbon bugs.KDE.org for that13:51:16
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid HarderCapture.PNG
Download Capture.PNG
@davidjharder:matrix.orgDavid Harderyo we're famous15:39:32
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCClearly, it's the Year of Linux Distros15:56:51
@theunclemez:matrix.orgThe Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬Hello Everyone!23:13:55
@theunclemez:matrix.orgThe Uncle Mez | Hiruzen,3rd 🇨🇬
In reply to @traceyc:matrix.org
Clearly, it's the Year of Linux Distros
seem like Linux is going 4.5 of market share, then yes surely the year of distros
19 Sep 2024
Download 1000019653.png
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudey^ how I've felt for the last 36 hours or so07:11:31
In reply to @traceyc:matrix.org
I'm pretty sure there's a bugbon bugs.KDE.org for that
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484992 <-- it's exactly that, though I have it with ctrl key.
I guess I will see if it's fixed with 6.2.0.
I guess with wayland you never run out of strange behaviour :D
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)Accent colors 🤗09:08:09
Download 1000057212.jpg
@rainbow_warrior_505:matrix.orgrainbow_warrior_505(sebo505)We are not that far behind in the end09:28:00
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarveyI mean, they don't require it for mission critical tooling. They win.09:44:45

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