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15 Apr 2023
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1accidentally joined the wrong one with >200 users ๐Ÿ˜…21:31:04
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeylove the profile pic, leapfog ^^21:31:32
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 against Rust! 21:32:00
In reply to @helium1:matrix.org
where is that secret solus room? :D
It's #solus-support:matrix.org (the old IRC rooms are in this Matrix space as well, that's #solus:libera.chat)
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1oh, okay, ty21:33:01
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1I am already there!21:33:16
@elfprince:matrix.orgelfprince joined the room.21:34:17
* @helium1:matrix.orghelium1 goes to make a cup of โ˜•๏ธ21:34:34
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1 hello elfprince ! 21:34:46
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1you made it too!21:34:52
@elfprince:matrix.orgelfprincea bit too small font size21:35:36
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1this is Matrix wtf!21:35:51
In reply to @elfprince:matrix.org
a bit too small font size
font size is adjustable, at least in Element
@elfprince:matrix.orgelfprincewhere? I am looking21:36:41
@ermo_:matrix.orgermoyour user icon in the top left (if you're using element)21:37:05
@ermo_:matrix.orgermothe click "all settings"21:37:16
@helium1:matrix.orghelium1All Settings > appearance21:37:49
@elfprince:matrix.orgelfprincegot it!21:39:35
@joebonrichie:matrix.orgJoey Riches๐ŸŽ‰21:39:41
@lanseria:matrix.orgLansรฉria joined the room.21:39:57

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