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14 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <ph03nix> finger print recognition17:32:15
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Only lacks fart recognition, and bingo, it will be complete.17:32:58
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Cryptoon> facial and fingerprints were stored on dedicated chip on the device itself17:33:50
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Cryptoon> for apple that is17:34:00
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Cryptoon> not sure how it works for google17:34:05
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> your camera may be accessed by any app with permissions for camera17:34:46
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> your face was in 20 servers before it touched that chip17:35:09
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> this is not an exaggeration, this is actual data that is being sold for actual money17:36:05
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> all retail stores, most public streets, full of cameras in the "advanced" countries17:36:48
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> 3rd world countries as well, all interconnected to the police department systems, i can confirm17:37:11
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> and if you ever use the internet with a device, assume any and all sensitive info is being uploaded, for your safety of course17:37:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Cryptoon> Souls are safu17:40:16
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> for now they are... only for now.17:43:25
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> for the moment they are... only for the moment.17:43:32
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> before souls, they will go behind thoughts - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_identification17:48:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> before souls, they will go after thoughts - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_identification17:48:53
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Building soul manipulation technology will require admitting that we exist in multiple dimensions, and we're not ready for that yet. They will do it eventually, given enough motivation.17:52:05
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Emmanuel> Building soul manipulation/detection technology will require admitting that we exist in multiple dimensions, and we're not ready for that yet. They will do it eventually, given enough motivation.17:52:19
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SaplingHossain> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR12Z8f1Dh818:34:25
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SaplingHossain> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w18:35:26
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SaplingHossain> 2 great songs that may get into your head once you hear them 😛18:36:58
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SaplingHossain> https://twitter.com/jemelehill/status/107326099593673113719:31:09
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <xerux> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4799548.020:43:51
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <xerux> anyone in this coin too?20:43:56
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <xerux> Great community and even more love for the exchange they use. KMD should get listed on start-ex.com too20:44:23
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <xerux> works fine almost 24/720:44:36
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SaplingHossain> can you list RKT chain?20:47:55
@ca33:matrix.orgca33 changed their display name from ca33 to ca333.23:52:54
15 Dec 2018
@ca33:matrix.orgca33 changed their display name from ca333 to ca.00:00:48
@ca33:matrix.orgca33 changed their display name from ca to ca333.00:01:03

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