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DanctNIX GNU/Linux Porting - Port GNU/Linux to embedded devices. | Rules: https://github.com/Danct12/danctnix/blob/master/RULES.MD | Use Matrix for offline history: #danctnix-porting:matrix.org4 Servers

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2 Sep 2019
@freenode_Danct12__:matrix.org@freenode_Danct12__:matrix.org left the room.19:10:25
@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org left the room.19:10:26
@freenode_asriel[m]:matrix.org@freenode_asriel[m]:matrix.org left the room.19:10:26
@freenode_dolphinchipsnotD:matrix.org@freenode_dolphinchipsnotD:matrix.org left the room.19:10:27
@freenode_dolphinchipspma5:matrix.org@freenode_dolphinchipspma5:matrix.org left the room.19:10:27
@freenode_quackchips[m]:matrix.org@freenode_quackchips[m]:matrix.org left the room.19:10:28
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.19:10:28
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <Julia>: I've finally figured out why framebuffer is so broken on my Samsung 23:49:58
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <Julia>: Because it’s… write only 23:50:06
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <Julia>: Guess I’ll need to modify the driver to map a virtual framebuffer in some memory location and write it to the real one during every refresh 23:52:45
3 Sep 2019
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <Julia>: I think it’s because they’ve implemented this thing lol 00:13:39
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <Julia>: https://www.trustonic.com/news/blog/benefits-trusted-user-interface/ 00:13:43
9 Sep 2019
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <illialoo99>: One question 08:30:11
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <illialoo99>: When new build of sfos? 08:30:18
@danct12:matrix.orgDanct12 (old matrix.org account)Until those guys from SenseTime have some mercy and restore the proprietary_vendor_xiaomi repo09:03:36
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <illialoo99>: Oh 09:22:00
11 Sep 2019
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <TheKit>: @Danct12 you should be able to extract blobs from existing builds 17:21:42
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] <TheKit>: there are scripts for that 17:21:45
14 Sep 2019
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] : @Danct12 can I port postmarketOS from Arch or should I setup an Alpine docker container 02:54:17
@dolphinchips:matrix.orgquackchipsi mean, you can port it from arch02:57:32
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] : when I try I get

[19:48:47] Location of the 'work' path. Multiple chroots (native, device arch, device rootfs) will be created in there.
[19:48:47] Work path [/home/nalutech/workspace/pmos/workingdir]: /home/nalutech/pmos
[19:48:52] pmbootstrap does everything in Alpine Linux chroots, so your host system does not get modified. In order to work with these chroots, pmbootstrap calls 'sudo' internally. To see the commands it runs, you can run 'pmbootstrap log' in a second terminal.
[19:48:52] Setting up the native chroot and cloning the package build recipies (pmaports)...
[sudo] password for nalutech: 
[19:48:55] Update package index for x86_64 (4 file(s))
[19:49:06] Download http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main/x86_64/apk-tools-static-2.10.4-r3.apk
[19:49:13] (native) install alpine-base
[19:49:36] (native) install git
[19:50:27] (native) git clone https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports.git
Cloning into 'pmaports.temp'...
[19:54:13] NOTE: pmaports path: /home/nalutech/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports
[19:54:13] ERROR: We have split the aports repository from the pmbootstrap repository (#383). Please run 'pmbootstrap init' again to clone it.
[19:54:13] See also: <https://postmarketos.org/troubleshooting>
Run 'pmbootstrap log' for details.
@dolphinchips:matrix.orgquackchips i don't see anything wrong 02:58:35
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] : [19:54:13] ERROR: We have split the aports repository from the pmbootstrap repository (#383). Please run ‘pmbootstrap init’ again to clone it. 02:58:51
@dolphinchips:matrix.orgquackchipsnow i see02:59:14
@danct12:matrix.orgDanct12 (old matrix.org account) How about you run pmbootstrap init again 03:02:14
@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org@danctnix-bridge:matrix.org [discord] : tried that 03:02:36
@noritech:matrix.org64bit lyra joined the room.03:17:27
16 Sep 2019
@noritech:matrix.org64bit lyra changed their profile picture.06:29:02
@noritech:matrix.org64bit lyra changed their profile picture.06:29:45

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